10.4: Structure and Function - Amino Acids (2024)

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    Source: BiochemFFA_2_1.pdf. The entire textbook is available for free from the authors at http://biochem.science.oregonstate.edu/content/biochemistry-free-and-easy

    All of the proteins on the face of the earth are made up of the same 20 amino acids. Linked together in long chains called polypeptides, amino acids are the building blocks for the vast assortment of proteins found in all living cells.

    10.4: Structure and Function - Amino Acids (2)

    "It is one of the more striking generalizations of biochemistry ...that the twenty amino acids and the four bases, are, with minor reservations, the same throughout Nature." - Francis Crick

    All amino acids have the same basic structure, which is shown in Figure 2.1. At the “center” of each amino acid is a carbon called the α carbon and attached to it are four groups - a hydrogen, an α- carboxyl group, an α-amine group, and an R-group, sometimes referred to as a side chain. The α carbon, carboxyl, and amino groups are common to all amino acids, so the R-group is the only unique feature in each amino acid. (A minor exception to this structure is that of proline, in which the end of the R-group is attached to the α-amine.) With the exception of glycine, which has an R-group consisting of a hydrogen atom, all of the amino acids in proteins have four different groups attached to them and consequently can exist in two mirror image forms, L and D. With only very minor exceptions, every amino acid found in cells and in proteins is in the L configuration.

    10.4: Structure and Function - Amino Acids (3)

    Essential and non-essential

    Nutritionists divide amino acids into two groups - essential amino acids (must be in the diet because cells can’t synthesize them) and non-essential amino acids (can be made by cells). This classification of amino acids has little to do with the structure of amino acids. Essential amino acids vary considerable from one organism to another and even differ in humans, depending on whether they are adults or children. Table 2.1 shows essential and non-essential amino acids in humans.

    Some amino acids that are normally nonessential, may need to be obtained from the diet in certain cases. Individuals who do not synthesize sufficient amounts of arginine, cysteine, glutamine, proline, selenocysteine, serine, and tyrosine, due to illness, for example, may need dietary supplements containing these amino acids.

    10.4: Structure and Function - Amino Acids (4)

    Table 2.1 - Essential and non-essential amino acids

    Table 2.2 - Amino acid categories (based on R-group properties)

    We separate the amino acids into categories based on the chemistry of their R-groups. If you compare groupings of amino acids in different textbooks, you will see different names for the categories and (sometimes) the same amino acid being categorized differently by different authors. Indeed, we categorize tyrosine both as an aromatic amino acid and as a hydroxyl amino acid. It is useful to classify amino acids based on their R-groups, because it is these side chains that give each amino acid its characteristic properties. Thus, amino acids with (chemically) similar side groups can be expected to function in similar ways, for example, during protein folding.

    Some Non-polar amino acids

    • Alanine (Ala/A) is one of the most abundant amino acids found in proteins, ranking second only to leucine in occurrence. A D-form of the amino acid is also found in bacterial cell walls. Alanine is non-essential, being readily synthesized from pyruvate. It is coded for by GCU, GCC, GCA, and GCG.
    • Glycine (Gly/G) is the amino acid with the shortest side chain, having an R-group consistent only of a single hydrogen. As a result, glycine is the only amino acid that is not chiral. Its small side chain allows it to readily fit into both hydrophobic and hydrophilic environments.
    10.4: Structure and Function - Amino Acids (5)

      Carboxyl Amino Acids

      10.4: Structure and Function - Amino Acids (6)

      Amine amino acids

      10.4: Structure and Function - Amino Acids (7)

      Aromatic amino acids

      10.4: Structure and Function - Amino Acids (8)

      Hydroxyl amino acids

      • 10.4: Structure and Function - Amino Acids (9)

      Figure 2.8 - Amino acid properties Wikipedia

      Other amino acids

      • Asparagine (Asn/N) is a non-essential amino acid coded by AAU and AAC. Its carboxyamide in the R-group gives it polarity. Asparagine is implicated in formation of acrylamide in foods cooked at high temperatures (deep frying) when it reacts with carbonyl groups. Asparagine can be made in the body from aspartate by an amidation reaction with an amine from glutamine. Breakdown of asparagine produces malate, which can be oxidized in the citric acid cycle.
      • Cysteine (Cys/C) is the only amino acid with a sulfhydryl group in its side chain. It is nonessential for most humans, but may be essential in infants, the elderly and individuals who suffer from certain metabolic diseases. Cysteine’s sulfhydryl group is readily oxidized to a disulfide when reacted with another one. In addition to being found in proteins, cysteine is also a component of the tripeptide, glutathione. Cysteine is specified by the codons UGU and UGC.
      10.4: Structure and Function - Amino Acids (10)

        Ionizing groups

        pKa values for amino acid side chains are very dependent upon the chemical environment in which they are present. For example, the R-group carboxyl found in aspartic acid has a pKa value of 3.9 when free in solution, but can be as high as 14 when in certain environments inside of proteins, though that is unusual and extreme. Each amino acid has at least one ionizable amine group (α- amine) and one ionizable carboxyl group (α- carboxyl). When these are bound in a peptide bond, they no longer ionize. Some, but not all amino acids have R-groups that can ionize. The charge of a protein then arises from the charges of the α-amine group, the α- carboxyl group. and the sum of the charges of the ionized R-groups. Titration/ionization of aspartic acid is depicted in Figure 2.10. Ionization (or deionization) within a protein’s structure can have significant effect on the overall conformation of the protein and, since structure is related to function, a major impact on the activity of a protein.

        10.4: Structure and Function - Amino Acids (11)

        Most proteins have relatively narrow ranges of optimal activity that typically correspond to the environments in which they are found (Figure 2.11). It is worth noting that formation of peptide bonds between amino acids removes ionizable hydrogens from both the α- amine and α- carboxyl groups of amino acids. Thus, ionization/ deionization in a protein arises only from 1) the amino terminus; 2) carboxyl terminus; 3) R-groups; or 4) other functional groups (such as sulfates or phosphates) added to amino acids post-translationally - see below.


        Not all amino acids in a cell are found in proteins. The most common examples include ornithine (arginine metabolism), citrulline (urea cycle), and carnitine (Figure 2.12). When fatty acids destined for oxidation are moved into the mitochondrion for that purpose, they travel across the inner membrane attached to carnitine. Of the two stereoisomeric forms, the L form is the active one. The molecule is synthesized in the liver from lysine and methionine.

        10.4: Structure and Function - Amino Acids (12)

        From exogenous sources, fatty acids must be activated upon entry into the cytoplasm by being joined to coenzyme A. The CoA portion of the molecule is replaced by carnitine in the intermembrane space of the mitochondrion in a reaction catalyzed by carnitine acyltransferase I. The resulting acylcarnitine molecule is transferred across the inner mitochondrial membrane by the carnitineacylcarnitine translocase and then in the matrix of the mitochondrion, carnitine acyltransferase II replaces the carnitine with coenzyme A (Figure 6.88).

        10.4: Structure and Function - Amino Acids (13)

        Building Polypeptides

        Although amino acids serve other functions in cells, their most important role is as constituents of proteins. Proteins, as we noted earlier, are polymers of amino acids.

        Amino acids are linked to each other by peptide bonds, in which the carboxyl group of one amino acid is joined to the amino group of the next, with the loss of a molecule of water. Additional amino acids are added in the same way, by formation of peptide bonds between the free carboxyl on the end of the growing chain and the amino group of the next amino acid in the sequence. A chain made up of just a few amino acids linked together is called an oligopeptide (oligo=few) while a typical protein, which is made up of many amino acids is called a polypeptide (poly=many). The end of the peptide that has a free amino group is called the N-terminus (for NH2), while the end with the free carboxyl is termed the C-terminus (for carboxyl).

        10.4: Structure and Function - Amino Acids (14)

        As we’ve noted before, function is dependent on structure, and the string of amino acids must fold into a specific 3-D shape, or conformation, in order to make a functional protein. The folding of polypeptides into their functional forms is the topic of the next section.

        10.4: Structure and Function - Amino Acids (2024)


        Are EAA supplements safe? ›

        Amino acid supplements are considered safe for most people. However, they're usually not necessary if you're getting enough protein in your diet. Nonetheless, amino acid supplements may offer certain benefits for specific groups of people.

        What are the side effects of taking amino acid supplements? ›

        Three of the most commonly mentioned risks of long-term amino acid supplementation are nausea, headache, and pain. Amino acid supplements can impact your blood sugar levels. This means that you should avoid them before and after surgery. Many experts advise against taking supplements that contain a single amino acid.

        What are the symptoms of amino acid deficiency? ›

        Amino acid deficiency can result in decreased immunity, digestive problems, depression, fertility issues, lower mental alertness, slowed growth in children, and many other health issues. Each of the essential amino acids plays a different role in the body, and the symptoms of deficiency vary accordingly.

        What are the best amino acids for muscle growth and fat loss? ›

        There are three branch chain amino acids (BCAAs)—leucine, isoleucine and valine—that are especially critical for skeletal muscle function. Leucine plays a significant role in muscle protein synthesis while isoleucine promotes a healthy protein metabolism.

        Does EAA affect liver? ›

        It is our assertion that EAAS may have likely improved cytosolic concentrations of amino acids in the liver, which positively altered mitochondrial protein synthesis as previously demonstrated in pre-clinical studies [20].

        Who should avoid amino acids? ›

        BCAAs may interfere with blood glucose levels during and after surgery. You may also be at increased risk if you have chronic alcoholism or branched-chain ketoaciduria. Also, avoid using BCAAs if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

        Are amino acid supplements safe for kidneys? ›

        Amino acids or their derivatives such as arginine, L-carnitine, glutamine, and creatine are commonly used by athletes and bodybuilders and seem to have no clinically significant adverse effects on kidney function, at least in healthy individuals.

        Should I take amino acids everyday? ›

        Should I take amino acid supplements? You can usually get all the essential amino acids your body needs by eating a healthy, balanced diet. Some people take amino acid supplements to get better sleep, improve their mood and enhance athletic performance.

        Can taking amino acids cause weight gain? ›

        Amino acids typically do not cause weight gain, even though there are 4 calories per gram, which is equal to the amount of glucose in one gram of table sugar. Unlike glucose, your body does not store amino acids but instead absorbs them, which are then used by your muscles.

        Is there any side effects of EAA? ›

        EAA Supplement Side Effects

        Digestive issues: Consuming excessive EAA supplements may cause stomach discomfort, diarrhoea, or bloating. Interference with medication: Certain EAAs may interact with medications, so it's essential to consult a healthcare professional if you are taking any drugs.

        Is it worth taking EAAs? ›

        Studies show EAA supplements can help with muscle growth and strength gains when taken pre-workout or intra workout, but that is not to say they will work for everyone. It depends on your goals and fitness abilities.

        Can you take EAA every day? ›

        Daily supplementation with compositions of all the EAAs in free form has been shown to be beneficial in many ways [6]. Most prominently, supplemental free-form EAA compositions stimulate protein synthesis and protein turnover throughout the body, including the synthesis of new muscle protein.

        What are the side effects of liquid aminos? ›

        While it's generally recognized as safe when consumed in small quantities, some people are allergic to it, finding that it may trigger hives, itching, swelling, or runny nose ( 12 , 13 , 14 ). Liquid aminos do not contain any chemical preservatives, so they're a good choice for people who cannot consume benzoates.

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        Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.