(Z)-3-Butyl-5-(4-nitro­benzyl­idene)thia­zolidine-2,4-dione (2024)

(Z)-3-Butyl-5-(4-nitro­benzyl­idene)thia­zolidine-2,4-dione (1)data reports

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(Z)-3-Butyl-5-(4-nitro­benzyl­idene)thia­zolidine-2,4-dione (19)

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(Z)-3-Butyl-5-(4-nitro­benzyl­idene)thia­zolidine-2,4-dione (26)

M. S. H. Faizi, M. N. Lone, N. Dege, T. Iskenderov and S. Malinkin

In the title compound, C14H14N2O4S, the benzene and thia­zolidine rings are almost coplanar with a dihedral angle of 2.98 (14)°. The butyl chain is directed almost perpendicular to the plane of the rest of the mol­ecule. In the crystal, a combination of C—H(Z)-3-Butyl-5-(4-nitro­benzyl­idene)thia­zolidine-2,4-dione (27)O hydrogen bonds and offset π–π inter­actions leads to the formation of a three-dimensional structure.

Keywords: crystal structure; thia­zolidine-2,4-dione; hydrogen bonding; offset π–π inter­actions.


Supporting information

Crystallographic Information File (CIF) https://doi.org/10.1107/S2414314619000944/su4169sup1.cif
Contains datablocks I, Global

Structure factor file (CIF format) https://doi.org/10.1107/S2414314619000944/su4169Isup2.hkl
Contains datablock I

Chemical Markup Language (CML) file https://doi.org/10.1107/S2414314619000944/su4169Isup3.cml
Supplementary material

CCDC reference: 1890998

Key indicators

  • Single-crystal X-ray study
  • T = 296 K
  • Mean (Z)-3-Butyl-5-(4-nitro­benzyl­idene)thia­zolidine-2,4-dione (33)(C-C) = 0.004 Å
  • R factor = 0.048
  • wR factor = 0.141
  • Data-to-parameter ratio = 14.9

checkCIF/PLATON results

No syntax errors found(Z)-3-Butyl-5-(4-nitro­benzyl­idene)thia­zolidine-2,4-dione (34)Alert level CPLAT230_ALERT_2_C Hirshfeld Test Diff for N2 --C10 . 5.5 s.u.PLAT242_ALERT_2_C Low 'MainMol' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors of N1 CheckPLAT242_ALERT_2_C Low 'MainMol' Ueq as Compared to Neighbors of C13 CheckPLAT260_ALERT_2_C Large Average Ueq of Residue Including S1 0.084 CheckPLAT340_ALERT_3_C Low Bond Precision on C-C Bonds ............... 0.00433 Ang.PLAT906_ALERT_3_C Large K Value in the Analysis of Variance ...... 21.014 CheckPLAT906_ALERT_3_C Large K Value in the Analysis of Variance ...... 3.786 CheckPLAT911_ALERT_3_C Missing FCF Refl Between Thmin & STh/L= 0.600 11 ReportPLAT978_ALERT_2_C Number C-C Bonds with Positive Residual Density. 0 Info(Z)-3-Butyl-5-(4-nitro­benzyl­idene)thia­zolidine-2,4-dione (35)Alert level GPLAT063_ALERT_4_G Crystal Size Likely too Large for Beam Size .... 0.74 mmPLAT066_ALERT_1_G Predicted and Reported Tmin&Tmax Range Identical ? Check 0 ALERT level A = Most likely a serious problem - resolve or explain 0 ALERT level B = A potentially serious problem, consider carefully 9 ALERT level C = Check. Ensure it is not caused by an omission or oversight 2 ALERT level G = General information/check it is not something unexpected 1 ALERT type 1 CIF construction/syntax error, inconsistent or missing data 5 ALERT type 2 Indicator that the structure model may be wrong or deficient 4 ALERT type 3 Indicator that the structure quality may be low 1 ALERT type 4 Improvement, methodology, query or suggestion 0 ALERT type 5 Informative message, check

Computing details top

Data collection: X-AREA (Stoe & Cie, 2017); cell refinement: X-AREA (Stoe & Cie, 2017); data reduction: X-RED32 (Stoe & Cie, 2017); program(s) used to solve structure: SHELXS97 (Sheldrick, 2008); program(s) used to refine structure: SHELXL2018 (Sheldrick, 2015); molecular graphics: PLATON (Spek, 2009) and Mercury (Macrae et al., 2008); software used to prepare material for publication: SHELXL2018 (Sheldrick, 2015), PLATON (Spek, 2009) andpublCIF (Westrip, 2010).

(Z)-3-Butyl-5-(4-nitrobenzylidene)thiazolidine-2,4-dione top

Crystal data


C14H14N2O4SF(000) = 640
Mr = 306.33Dx = 1.392 Mg m3
Monoclinic, P21/cMo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
a = 7.2595 (8) ÅCell parameters from 9040 reflections
b = 27.492 (3) Åθ = 1.5–27.5°
c = 7.9630 (9) ŵ = 0.24 mm1
β = 113.072 (8)°T = 296 K
V = 1462.1 (3) Å3Prism, yellow
Z = 40.74 × 0.54 × 0.28 mm

Data collection


Stoe IPDS 2
2855 independent reflections
Radiation source: sealed X-ray tube, 12 x 0.4 mm long-fine focus1430 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Plane graphite monochromatorRint = 0.078
Detector resolution: 6.67 pixels mm-1θmax = 26.0°, θmin = 1.5°
rotation method scansh = 88
Absorption correction: integration
(X-RED32 & X-SHAPE; Stoe & Cie, 2017)
k = 3333
Tmin = 0.833, Tmax = 0.936l = 99
8120 measured reflections



Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Least-squares matrix: fullSecondary atom site location: difference Fourier map
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.048Hydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
wR(F2) = 0.141H-atom parameters constrained
S = 0.83 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0719P)2]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
2855 reflections(Δ/σ)max = 0.001
191 parametersΔρmax = 0.17 e Å3
0 restraintsΔρmin = 0.22 e Å3

Special details


Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Refinement. H atoms were positioned geometrically and refined as riding: C—H =0.95–0.98 Å with Uiso(H) = 1.5Ueq(C-methyl) and1.2Ueq(C) for other H atoms.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2)


S10.24335 (11)0.62282 (3)0.56254 (11)0.0773 (3)
O40.2873 (3)0.57655 (7)1.0303 (3)0.0904 (6)
N20.2667 (3)0.64894 (8)0.8866 (3)0.0700 (6)
O30.2360 (3)0.71142 (7)0.6862 (3)0.1027 (7)
N10.2171 (4)0.40379 (12)0.1189 (4)0.0844 (7)
O10.2111 (4)0.36052 (9)0.1416 (4)0.1175 (9)
C40.2562 (3)0.49850 (9)0.5495 (3)0.0611 (6)
C90.2755 (4)0.59888 (10)0.8958 (4)0.0673 (7)
C50.2708 (4)0.44824 (9)0.5746 (4)0.0665 (7)
C80.2653 (3)0.57709 (9)0.7210 (3)0.0621 (6)
C10.2298 (4)0.43668 (10)0.2678 (4)0.0665 (7)
C20.2147 (4)0.48596 (11)0.2365 (4)0.0723 (7)
O20.2101 (4)0.42141 (11)0.0246 (4)0.1234 (9)
C70.2705 (3)0.52875 (9)0.7049 (4)0.0643 (7)
C30.2272 (4)0.51661 (10)0.3763 (4)0.0687 (7)
C60.2567 (4)0.41738 (10)0.4346 (4)0.0700 (7)
C100.2485 (4)0.66871 (10)0.7210 (4)0.0763 (8)
C120.4807 (5)0.68443 (11)1.1853 (4)0.0922 (10)
C110.2710 (4)0.67873 (10)1.0404 (4)0.0838 (9)
C130.6140 (5)0.71590 (13)1.1259 (5)0.1011 (10)
C140.8259 (6)0.71780 (18)1.2675 (6)0.1483 (17)

Atomic displacement parameters (Å2)


S10.0841 (5)0.0659 (4)0.0764 (5)0.0032 (4)0.0254 (4)0.0078 (4)
O40.1288 (17)0.0698 (12)0.0784 (14)0.0099 (11)0.0470 (13)0.0031 (11)
N20.0716 (14)0.0561 (13)0.0759 (16)0.0010 (10)0.0219 (12)0.0029 (11)
O30.1218 (19)0.0604 (12)0.1050 (17)0.0011 (12)0.0217 (14)0.0097 (11)
N10.0743 (16)0.097 (2)0.079 (2)0.0081 (14)0.0262 (14)0.0152 (16)
O10.153 (2)0.0897 (17)0.108 (2)0.0012 (15)0.0479 (17)0.0265 (14)
C40.0503 (13)0.0654 (15)0.0647 (17)0.0007 (11)0.0197 (12)0.0018 (13)
C90.0637 (16)0.0611 (16)0.074 (2)0.0042 (12)0.0232 (14)0.0008 (14)
C50.0719 (17)0.0616 (15)0.0631 (17)0.0063 (12)0.0234 (14)0.0069 (13)
C80.0521 (14)0.0637 (15)0.0671 (17)0.0018 (11)0.0199 (12)0.0027 (13)
C10.0543 (14)0.0772 (18)0.0669 (18)0.0048 (13)0.0225 (13)0.0105 (14)
C20.0685 (17)0.0858 (19)0.0609 (17)0.0074 (15)0.0234 (14)0.0074 (15)
O20.165 (2)0.133 (2)0.0874 (18)0.0173 (17)0.0648 (17)0.0174 (16)
C70.0620 (15)0.0600 (15)0.0683 (17)0.0011 (12)0.0228 (13)0.0056 (13)
C30.0721 (17)0.0674 (15)0.0660 (17)0.0020 (13)0.0263 (14)0.0053 (14)
C60.0688 (17)0.0653 (15)0.0713 (18)0.0054 (13)0.0225 (14)0.0017 (14)
C100.0645 (18)0.0643 (18)0.087 (2)0.0018 (13)0.0157 (15)0.0029 (15)
C120.107 (3)0.0734 (19)0.083 (2)0.0020 (18)0.023 (2)0.0097 (16)
C110.091 (2)0.0665 (17)0.094 (2)0.0030 (15)0.0355 (18)0.0133 (16)
C130.083 (2)0.107 (2)0.103 (3)0.0017 (19)0.025 (2)0.015 (2)
C140.088 (3)0.196 (4)0.128 (4)0.009 (3)0.006 (2)0.038 (3)

Geometric parameters (Å, º)


S1—C81.744 (3)C1—C21.374 (4)
S1—C101.774 (3)C2—C31.371 (4)
O4—C91.208 (3)C2—H20.9300
N2—C91.378 (3)C7—H70.9300
N2—C101.384 (4)C3—H30.9300
N2—C111.463 (3)C6—H60.9300
O3—C101.202 (3)C12—C131.506 (4)
N1—O11.207 (3)C12—C111.516 (4)
N1—O21.223 (3)C12—H12A0.9700
N1—C11.466 (4)C12—H12B0.9700
C4—C51.394 (3)C11—H11A0.9700
C4—C31.402 (4)C11—H11B0.9700
C4—C71.461 (3)C13—C141.511 (5)
C9—C81.490 (4)C13—H13A0.9700
C5—C61.373 (4)C13—H13B0.9700
C8—C71.337 (3)C14—H14B0.9600
C1—C61.371 (4)C14—H14C0.9600
C8—S1—C1091.56 (14)C1—C6—C5119.0 (3)
C9—N2—C10115.3 (2)C1—C6—H6120.5
C9—N2—C11121.9 (3)C5—C6—H6120.5
C10—N2—C11122.7 (2)O3—C10—N2125.0 (3)
O1—N1—O2122.6 (3)O3—C10—S1123.5 (3)
O1—N1—C1118.8 (3)N2—C10—S1111.5 (2)
O2—N1—C1118.6 (3)C13—C12—C11113.4 (3)
C5—C4—C3117.8 (2)C13—C12—H12A108.9
C5—C4—C7117.8 (2)C11—C12—H12A108.9
C3—C4—C7124.4 (2)C13—C12—H12B108.9
O4—C9—N2122.7 (3)C11—C12—H12B108.9
O4—C9—C8125.7 (2)H12A—C12—H12B107.7
N2—C9—C8111.6 (2)N2—C11—C12112.4 (2)
C6—C5—C4121.3 (3)N2—C11—H11A109.1
C7—C8—C9119.8 (2)C12—C11—H11B109.1
C7—C8—S1130.2 (2)H11A—C11—H11B107.9
C9—C8—S1110.06 (18)C12—C13—C14112.1 (3)
C6—C1—C2121.9 (3)C12—C13—H13A109.2
C6—C1—N1119.0 (3)C14—C13—H13A109.2
C2—C1—N1119.1 (3)C12—C13—H13B109.2
C3—C2—C1118.9 (3)C14—C13—H13B109.2
C8—C7—C4130.7 (2)C13—C14—H14B109.5
C2—C3—C4121.1 (2)H14A—C14—H14C109.5
C10—N2—C9—O4178.4 (3)S1—C8—C7—C41.2 (4)
C11—N2—C9—O40.0 (4)C5—C4—C7—C8178.7 (2)
C10—N2—C9—C80.6 (3)C3—C4—C7—C81.8 (4)
C11—N2—C9—C8179.0 (2)C1—C2—C3—C40.5 (4)
C3—C4—C5—C60.2 (4)C5—C4—C3—C20.4 (4)
C7—C4—C5—C6179.3 (2)C7—C4—C3—C2179.9 (2)
O4—C9—C8—C70.5 (4)C2—C1—C6—C50.6 (4)
N2—C9—C8—C7179.6 (2)N1—C1—C6—C5179.3 (2)
O4—C9—C8—S1178.5 (2)C4—C5—C6—C10.7 (4)
N2—C9—C8—S10.5 (3)C9—N2—C10—O3179.0 (3)
C10—S1—C8—C7179.1 (3)C11—N2—C10—O30.6 (4)
C10—S1—C8—C90.19 (18)C9—N2—C10—S10.5 (3)
O1—N1—C1—C67.1 (4)C11—N2—C10—S1178.87 (19)
O2—N1—C1—C6173.9 (3)C8—S1—C10—O3179.3 (3)
O1—N1—C1—C2173.0 (3)C8—S1—C10—N20.1 (2)
O2—N1—C1—C26.0 (4)C9—N2—C11—C1279.0 (3)
C6—C1—C2—C30.1 (4)C10—N2—C11—C12102.8 (3)
N1—C1—C2—C3179.8 (2)C13—C12—C11—N270.2 (3)
C9—C8—C7—C4177.6 (2)C11—C12—C13—C14175.7 (3)

Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, º)


C3—H3···S10.932.553.256 (3)133
C2—H2···O4i0.932.453.139 (4)131
C5—H5···O2ii0.932.603.468 (4)156
C11—H11B···O3iii0.972.603.281 (3)128

Symmetry codes: (i) x, y, z1; (ii) x, y, z+1; (iii) x, y+3/2, z+1/2.

(Z)-3-Butyl-5-(4-nitro­benzyl­idene)thia­zolidine-2,4-dione (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

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