Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study of 2-chloro-N-[4-(methyl­sulfan­yl)phen­yl]acetamide (2024)

Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study of 2-chloro-N-[4-(methyl­sulfan­yl)phen­yl]acetamide (1)research communications

Issue contentsCrystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study of 2-chloro-N-[4-(methyl­sulfan­yl)phen­yl]acetamide (7)

Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study of 2-chloro-N-[4-(methyl­sulfan­yl)phen­yl]acetamide (9)

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Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study of 2-chloro-N-[4-(methyl­sulfan­yl)phen­yl]acetamide (11)Download citation

Acta Cryst. (2020). E76, 594-598

Download PDF of articleCrystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study of 2-chloro-N-[4-(methyl­sulfan­yl)phen­yl]acetamide (15)

Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study of 2-chloro-N-[4-(methyl­sulfan­yl)phen­yl]acetamide (17)Download citation

Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study of 2-chloro-N-[4-(methyl­sulfan­yl)phen­yl]acetamide (19)

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Issue contentsCrystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study of 2-chloro-N-[4-(methyl­sulfan­yl)phen­yl]acetamide (21)

Open Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study of 2-chloro-N-[4-(methyl­sulfan­yl)phen­yl]acetamide (24) access

Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study of 2-chloro-N-[4-(methyl­sulfan­yl)phen­yl]acetamide (26)

S. Mongkholkeaw, A. Songsasen, T. Duangthongyou, K. Chainok, S. Suramitr, W. Wattanathana and B. Wannalerse

In the title compound, the amide functional group –C(=O)NH– adopts a trans conformation with the four atoms nearly coplanar. This conformation promotes the formation of a C(4) hydrogen-bonded chain propagating along the [010] direction.

Keywords: 4-methyl­thio­aniline; chloro­acetyl chloride; hydrogen bonds; π–π inter­actions; crystal structure.


Supporting information

Crystallographic Information File (CIF)
Contains datablock I

Structure factor file (CIF format)
Contains datablock I

CCDC reference: 1987798

Key indicators

  • Single-crystal X-ray study
  • T = 296 K
  • Mean Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study of 2-chloro-N-[4-(methyl­sulfan­yl)phen­yl]acetamide (31)(C-C) = 0.003 Å
  • R factor = 0.047
  • wR factor = 0.127
  • Data-to-parameter ratio = 19.8

checkCIF/PLATON results

No syntax errors foundCrystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study of 2-chloro-N-[4-(methyl­sulfan­yl)phen­yl]acetamide (32)Alert level CPLAT906_ALERT_3_C Large K Value in the Analysis of Variance ...... 2.852 CheckPLAT911_ALERT_3_C Missing FCF Refl Between Thmin & STh/L= 0.600 4 ReportCrystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study of 2-chloro-N-[4-(methyl­sulfan­yl)phen­yl]acetamide (33)Alert level GPLAT913_ALERT_3_G Missing # of Very Strong Reflections in FCF .... 3 NotePLAT978_ALERT_2_G Number C-C Bonds with Positive Residual Density. 6 Info 0 ALERT level A = Most likely a serious problem - resolve or explain 0 ALERT level B = A potentially serious problem, consider carefully 2 ALERT level C = Check. Ensure it is not caused by an omission or oversight 2 ALERT level G = General information/check it is not something unexpected 0 ALERT type 1 CIF construction/syntax error, inconsistent or missing data 1 ALERT type 2 Indicator that the structure model may be wrong or deficient 3 ALERT type 3 Indicator that the structure quality may be low 0 ALERT type 4 Improvement, methodology, query or suggestion 0 ALERT type 5 Informative message, checkcheckCIF publication errorsCrystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study of 2-chloro-N-[4-(methyl­sulfan­yl)phen­yl]acetamide (34)Alert level APUBL024_ALERT_1_A The number of authors is greater than 5. Please specify the role of each of the co-authors for your paper. 1 ALERT level A = Data missing that is essential or data in wrong format 0 ALERT level G = General alerts. Data that may be required is missing

Computing details top

Data collection: APEX2 (Bruker, 2016); cell refinement: SAINT (Bruker, 2016); data reduction: SAINT (Bruker, 2016); program(s) used to solve structure: SHELXT2014/5 (Sheldrick, 2015a); program(s) used to refine structure: SHELXL2018/3 (Sheldrick, 2015b); molecular graphics: Olex2 (Dolomanov et al., 2009) andMercury (Macrae et al., 2020); software used to prepare material for publication: Olex2 (Dolomanov et al., 2009) andMercury (Macrae et al., 2020).

2-Chloro-N-[4-(methylsulfanyl)phenyl]acetamide top

Crystal data


C9H10ClNOSDx = 1.454 Mg m3
Mr = 215.69Mo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
Orthorhombic, PbcaCell parameters from 3435 reflections
a = 9.6659 (7) Åθ = 2.8–26.2°
b = 14.0682 (11) ŵ = 0.56 mm1
c = 14.4869 (13) ÅT = 296 K
V = 1970.0 (3) Å3Block, light brown
Z = 80.12 × 0.10 × 0.08 mm
F(000) = 896

Data collection


1722 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
φ and ω scansRint = 0.085
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Bruker, 2016)
θmax = 28.3°, θmin = 2.8°
Tmin = 0.686, Tmax = 0.746h = 1212
21994 measured reflectionsk = 1817
2438 independent reflectionsl = 1917



Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: dual
Least-squares matrix: fullHydrogen site location: mixed
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.047H atoms treated by a mixture of independent and constrained refinement
wR(F2) = 0.127 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.051P)2 + 1.0616P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
S = 1.02(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
2438 reflectionsΔρmax = 0.51 e Å3
123 parametersΔρmin = 0.41 e Å3
0 restraints

Special details


Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2)


Cl10.44778 (8)0.40070 (6)0.90711 (5)0.0685 (3)
S10.52668 (8)0.73979 (6)0.33195 (5)0.0612 (2)
O10.36226 (15)0.51663 (13)0.74128 (12)0.0498 (4)
N10.58369 (17)0.53698 (14)0.69210 (13)0.0364 (4)
H10.663 (3)0.5277 (17)0.7080 (18)0.044*
C30.56559 (19)0.58332 (15)0.60636 (15)0.0333 (4)
C70.6767 (2)0.66353 (17)0.47953 (16)0.0423 (5)
C20.4871 (2)0.51212 (16)0.75445 (16)0.0370 (5)
C80.6844 (2)0.61629 (17)0.56270 (16)0.0394 (5)
C60.5498 (2)0.67873 (16)0.43719 (16)0.0392 (5)
C40.4384 (2)0.59718 (17)0.56390 (17)0.0404 (5)
C50.4319 (2)0.64410 (18)0.48042 (17)0.0440 (5)
C10.5487 (2)0.4838 (2)0.84654 (17)0.0477 (6)
C90.6958 (3)0.7388 (2)0.28174 (19)0.0566 (7)

Atomic displacement parameters (Å2)


Cl10.0643 (5)0.0892 (6)0.0520 (4)0.0232 (4)0.0053 (3)0.0168 (4)
S10.0566 (4)0.0723 (5)0.0548 (4)0.0139 (3)0.0006 (3)0.0206 (4)
O10.0241 (7)0.0781 (12)0.0471 (10)0.0002 (7)0.0034 (6)0.0045 (9)
N10.0227 (8)0.0513 (11)0.0353 (10)0.0003 (7)0.0005 (7)0.0016 (8)
C30.0295 (9)0.0378 (11)0.0327 (11)0.0009 (8)0.0001 (8)0.0055 (9)
C70.0332 (11)0.0514 (14)0.0423 (13)0.0058 (9)0.0034 (9)0.0001 (11)
C20.0279 (10)0.0441 (12)0.0389 (12)0.0001 (8)0.0028 (8)0.0050 (10)
C80.0274 (10)0.0517 (14)0.0391 (12)0.0021 (9)0.0020 (8)0.0020 (10)
C60.0400 (12)0.0391 (12)0.0385 (12)0.0028 (9)0.0003 (9)0.0021 (10)
C40.0266 (10)0.0506 (13)0.0440 (13)0.0006 (9)0.0008 (9)0.0011 (10)
C50.0299 (10)0.0548 (14)0.0475 (14)0.0058 (9)0.0057 (9)0.0015 (11)
C10.0348 (11)0.0638 (16)0.0444 (14)0.0040 (10)0.0040 (10)0.0069 (12)
C90.0628 (16)0.0592 (17)0.0478 (15)0.0048 (12)0.0032 (12)0.0110 (12)

Geometric parameters (Å, º)


Cl1—C11.757 (2)C2—C11.515 (3)
S1—C61.764 (2)C8—H80.9300
S1—C91.789 (3)C6—C51.388 (3)
O1—C21.223 (2)C4—H40.9300
N1—H10.82 (2)C4—C51.379 (3)
N1—C31.414 (3)C5—H50.9300
N1—C21.345 (3)C1—H1A0.9700
C3—C81.390 (3)C1—H1B0.9700
C3—C41.388 (3)C9—H9A0.9600
C7—C81.378 (3)C9—H9C0.9600
C7—C61.388 (3)
C6—S1—C9103.42 (12)C3—C4—H4120.1
C3—N1—H1116.1 (19)C5—C4—C3119.7 (2)
C2—N1—H1115.1 (18)C5—C4—H4120.1
C2—N1—C3128.60 (18)C6—C5—H5119.1
C8—C3—N1116.83 (18)C4—C5—C6121.8 (2)
C4—C3—N1124.31 (18)C4—C5—H5119.1
C4—C3—C8118.9 (2)Cl1—C1—H1A108.9
C8—C7—C6120.6 (2)C2—C1—Cl1113.36 (16)
O1—C2—N1124.5 (2)C2—C1—H1B108.9
O1—C2—C1122.62 (19)H1A—C1—H1B107.7
N1—C2—C1112.76 (18)S1—C9—H9A109.5
C7—C8—C3120.9 (2)S1—C9—H9C109.5
C7—C6—S1124.67 (18)H9A—C9—H9C109.5
C7—C6—C5118.1 (2)H9B—C9—H9C109.5
C5—C6—S1117.19 (17)
S1—C6—C5—C4178.58 (19)C2—N1—C3—C8168.6 (2)
O1—C2—C1—Cl132.9 (3)C2—N1—C3—C411.7 (4)
N1—C3—C8—C7179.1 (2)C8—C3—C4—C50.8 (3)
N1—C3—C4—C5179.4 (2)C8—C7—C6—S1178.92 (18)
N1—C2—C1—Cl1150.97 (18)C8—C7—C6—C50.7 (4)
C3—N1—C2—O18.9 (4)C6—C7—C8—C30.4 (4)
C3—N1—C2—C1167.2 (2)C4—C3—C8—C71.2 (3)
C3—C4—C5—C60.3 (4)C9—S1—C6—C718.0 (2)
C7—C6—C5—C41.1 (4)C9—S1—C6—C5162.3 (2)

Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, º)


N1—H1···O1i0.82 (2)2.06 (3)2.875 (2)174 (3)
C1—H1B···O1i0.972.573.319 (3)135
C4—H4···O10.932.322.903 (3)121

Symmetry code: (i) x+1/2, y, z+3/2.

The electronic absorption spectrum of the title compound calculated by the TD-CAM-B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) method


Excited statesExcitation energyConfigurations composition
S0S14.802580.0354hom*oL+1 (84%)
S0S24.952500.7144hom*oLUMO (91%)
S0S35.552240.0000hom*oL+3 (81%)
S0S45.632200.0005H-3LUMO (69%)
S0S56.351950.1378H-1LUMO (59%)

Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and computational study of 2-chloro-N-[4-(methyl­sulfan­yl)phen­yl]acetamide (2024)
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