Rewrite the Stars - MyImmortalSoul - InuYasha (2024)

Inuyasha was staring off into space with his elbow on his desk and his head in his hand as he tapped the eraser part of his pencil on his desk with his free hand. It was his last class of the day, and he only paid half attention as the teacher went on about something or other about a test that they took last week. He was confident that he at least got a C if not a B on it, he studied some this time.

The teacher passed by the sixteen-year-old silver haired and golden eyed young man as he placed his test face down on his desk before walking off to the next student.

Inuyasha sighed as he flipped his test over before jumping out of his seat in rage. "A D minus!?"

"Is there a problem, Taisho?" The teacher asked not bothering to look at the young man as he continued to pass out tests.

"Mr. Myoga, this grade is wrong! I studied this time!" Inuyasha complained with a growl.

"Apparently not good enough." Mr. Myoga said making Inuyasha growl louder as some of the other students laughed. "That grade is fair for the answers you gave."

"This bullsh*t isn't fair!" Inuyasha snarled as he held his test above his head.

"Oh, it's very fair." Mr. Myoga said as he passed by a young woman with long black hair and blue eyes before handing her, her test. "Good job, Kagome, keep up the good work!" He said as he moved on as Inuyasha continued to growl. "I suggest you stop growling and take your seat so you can pay attention in class and get a better score on your next test.

Inuyasha grumbled but did as he was told and sat down in the same position he was in before he stood up.

Mr. Myoga went on to teach the lecture, Inuyasha sighed as he doodled in his notebook as he only paid half attention to the lesson.

The bell rang indicating the end of the period as well as the end of the school day. Inuyasha sighed as he put his stuff in his bag and stood up to leave the classroom.

"Homework is to answer the questions on pages nine and ten, due tomorrow!" Mr. Myoga called out to the retreating teenagers. "Taisho, a word please."

Inuyasha scoffed as he turned around and stomped towards Mr. Myoga's desk. "Make it quick, old man, I have football practice to get too." He said as he folded his arms across his chest.

"That's Mr. Myoga to you!" Mr. Myoga quipped before taking a deep breath to calm down, Inuyasha always knew how to press his buttons. "Inuyasha," he sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose with his pointer finger and his thumb in exasperation, "I know you have it in you to do great things if you only pushed yourself harder. If you push yourself in the classroom like you do out of the football field, I just know that you'll go far."

"Keh!" Inuyasha scoffed with an eye roll. "Is that all, can I go now?"

Mr. Myoga sighed but flicked his hand in dismissal.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes again as he turned on his heel and left the classroom to head towards the gym.

Walking inside the gym, Inuyasha walked towards the locker room to change, however, before he could even grab the door handle, he heard his name being called out by the coach.

"What do you want Sesshomaru?" Inuyasha growled as he stopped in front of the coach.

"Mr. Taisho while we're at school, baby brother." Sesshomaru sneered making Inuyasha growl. "I heard you received another failing grade on a test." He said ignoring his brother's growl.

"D minus isn't failing." Inuyasha said as he folded his arms across his chest and looked off to the side with an irritated look on his face.

"Yeah, but all of the Fs before that are - it's a percentage that we look at, Inuyasha." Sesshomaru said. "One more bad test score and you're off the team."

"What!?" Inuyasha roared in outrage. "I'm the team's captain, you can't cut the captain off the team!"

"I can and I will." Sesshomaru threatened. "As for now, you're benched until your grades go up - you can continue to participate in practice, however, during games you'll be on the bench."

"Benched!?" But our next game is in two weeks!" Inuyasha yelled as his hands balled up into fists.

"Well then, you have until then to get you grades up if you want to play."

Inuyasha didn't say anything as he turned on his heel and stomped towards the locker room. He growled as he slammed his gym bag down on a bench that was sitting next to his locker as he angrily started to get ready for practice.

"Woah, what's wrong with you?" Miroku, Inuyasha's lifelong friend, asked as he stepped up next to him with Koga right behind him.

"Sess just threatened to kick me off the team if I get another bad grade on a test." Inuyasha growled as he yanked his gym shirt on. "He said I'm benched during games until my grades go up."

"That's rough buddy." Koga said as he tied his gym shoes.

"Yeah, it seems Mr. Taisho is always extra hard on you." Miroku added in.

"Did I just hear you're getting cut off the team, half-breed?" A guy with long oily black hair and piercing red eyes asked as he walked up to the group.

"f*ck off Naraku." Inuyasha snarled not in any kind of mood to deal with his sh*t right now. "I ain't getting cut off the team!"

"You were never good enough to be captain anyway, I'd make a far better captain then you ever dreamed about being." Naraku sneered as he walked out of the locker room.

"Don't listen to him, Yash." Koga said as he clapped him on the back.

"Yeah, I'm sure you'll get your grades up in no time." Miroku chipped in.

"You can always get a tutor." Koga suggested.

Inuyasha didn't say anything as he started to walk towards the door to exit the locker room with the other two following him.

Once practice was over, Inuyasha and the others were in the locker rooms changing back into their regular clothes before leaving to start on their way to their homes.

"Hey, you guys wanna get dinner at WacDonald's?" Miroku asked Inuyasha and Koga when they walked out to the parking lot.

"Sure, meet you there in five?" Koga asked as he started to walk toward his car, however, the shout of his name stopped him. The group looked back to see Ayame running towards them with Sango and Kikyo walking behind her, they were all wearing their cheerleading outfits.

"What are you guys doing?" Ayame asked as she stopped in front of Koga.

"We're getting ready to go to WacDonald's, you wanna come?" Koga asked.

"Yeah, I'll meet you guys there." Ayame said with a smile and a wave before turning towards her car.

"Ooh, that sounds so good! I'm soo hungry." Sango said as she started walking to her car. "See you all there!" She called over her shoulder.

"Can't we go somewhere a little healthier?" Kikyo sneered.

"Either come or not, Kikyo, either way we are going to WacDonald's." Inuyasha said irritated with everything going on.

Kikyo scoffed as she stomped toward her car without another word.

Inuyasha grunted as he watched her with a scowl, they used to date but he had caught her cheating with literally anyone who would give her the time of day - even girls, so he cut ties with her. He didn't know why she still hung with them or why he even allowed it, but it was better than fighting about it and getting a headache in the process. He grunted as he started for his own car and headed toward the fast-food joint.

'Maybe Koga's right, maybe I should get a tutor.'He thought as he parked his car in the WacDonald's parking lot. He growled as he slammed his head against his seat in frustration as he ran his hands down his face.

"Damn it!" He cursed with a growl as he punched his steering wheel before getting out of his truck and walking inside where the others were already waiting for him.


Kagome sat in her desk in the front row as she listened intently as the teacher spoke about the test they had taken last week.

"I'm happy with most of you, there's a higher percentage of As and Bs with this test! Good work, I'm proud of you!" Mr. Myoga said as he began to hand out the tests.

"A D minus!?" The outraged cry of no other than Inuyasha Taisho made Kagome jump and turn her head to look at him.

"Is there a problem, Taisho?" Mr. Myoga said as he continued to hand out tests.

"Mr. Myoga, this grade is wrong! I studied this time!" Kagome watched as Inuyasha complained as he growled, however, she noticed the sadness hidden behind all the anger in his eyes.

"Apparently not good enough. That grade is fair for the answers you gave." Mr. Myoga said.

"This bullsh*t isn't fair!" Inuyasha said, Kagome was surprise to see the sadness turn to slight panic in his eyes that he tried, and probably succeeded for someone not paying attention, to cover up with anger.

"Oh, it's very fair." Mr. Myoga said as he laid Kagome's test on her desk. "Good job, Kagome, keep up the good work." he said gaining her attention as she took her eyes off Inuyasha to send Mr. Myoga a smile. "I suggest you stop growling and take your seat so you can pay attention in and class and get a better score on your next test."

Kagome heard him grumble and looked back at him as he sat down. She was once again surprised when she saw the sadness and panic behind the angry mask that he wore to fool everyone around him, but it couldn't fool her. She sighed as she took her eyes off him, she couldn't afford to feel bad or sorry for anyone - she had to remember her no friends rule, it'll just be too hard when graduation came.

She flipped her test over and smiled widely as she saw her grade.'Another perfect score, awesome! Just another step closer to leaving this place behind me forever.'She thought as she tucked her test in her folder before putting it in her bag.

Mr. Myoga started his lecture and Kagome got her notebook and pen to take detailed notes on everything Mr. Myoga said.

The bell rang indicating the end of the period.'Time to go home.'She thought as she put her things in her bag before leaving the classroom.

"Homework is to answer the questions on pages nine and ten, due tomorrow!" Kagome heard Mr. Myoga shout as she left.

On her walk home, Kagome thought of everything she needed to do before she had to go to work.'Homework while I cook dinner for Sota and me, shower, get dressed and start walking by five-thirty to make it in time for my six o' clock shift.'

Walking up her porch steps, she sighed before opening up the front door and walking inside. She saw her mother passed out on the couch while holding an empty alcohol bottle in her hand. She rolled her eyes before looking around for her younger brother, she spotted him sitting in front of the TV watching cartoons.

"Did you have a good day, Sota?" Kagome asked as she kicked her shoes off at the door before making her way to the kitchen.

"Yeah!" Sota said as he stood up to follow her to the kitchen. "I got an A on my math test, thank you for helping me study." He said with a bright smile.

"That's great!" Kagome said with a wide smile as she placed her bag on the table before she ruffled his hair with her hand. She was just as happy about his test score as she was about her own test score. If she had it her way, they'd both get the scholarship for college just because of their grades. If that happened, then they'd both would be able to escape. "Do you have any homework?" She asked as she took her own out to be done.

"No," Sota shook his head, "I have free period at the end of the school day, I did it all in there."

"Okay, then come over here so I can teach you how to make baked chicken and green beans." Kagome said as she took the chicken that she put in there the night before to thaw out. She was hoping to be gone right after graduation next year, with or without the scholarship, and she wanted to make sure Sota knew how to take care of himself.

Once the chicken and green beans were in the oven, Kagome gently pushed Sota back to the living room as she told him that she'd call him back in soon to make the instant mashed potatoes.

She sighed as she watched him sit back down on the floor to continue watching his cartoons, it wasn't fair for either of them the way they had to grow up so fast. She looked at her mother sprawled out on the couch passed out drunk, she wasn't always like this - she used to be a great mom. That all changed five years ago when her and Sota's father died in a car accident, none of them had taken it well, but their mother had developed the habit of drinking and never stopped - forcing an eleven-year-old Kagome to grow up way to fast in order to survive and take care of her then six-year-old brother. She sighed again as she turned around to sit at the table to do her homework while the chicken cooked.

An hour and a half later, Kagome and Sota had eaten, and Kagome was showered, dressed and ready for work. "Sota, I'm leaving. I expect you showered, dressed in your pjs and in bed by eight. If mama wakes up before then tell her that dinner is in the oven. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay." Sota said not looking away from the TV. "I love you sis."

"Love you too." Kagome said before leaving the house to start her walk to WacDonald's.

She made it with five minutes to spare for her shift.

"You're at the cash register tonight, Higurashi!" Kagome's manager barked out before moving on to tell the next employee what to do. She sighed as she made her way to the register, she hated working at the register, she didn't like talking to people.

About an hour after her shift started, Kagome saw a few of her classmates walk in, she mentally sighed as she hoped they would ignore her like they did while they were in school. She had made it her goal ever since middle school not to have any friends, it would be pointless since she wasn't going to be here for much longer. Sure, it was lonely, but it would be easier not having to give anymore teary goodbyes than what she already had to have.

"Welcome to WacDonald's, what can I get for you?" She asked the first on that was in line, a girl with long brown hair that she kept up in a high ponytail and brown eyes that she knew as Sango.

Sango placed her order then moved to the side so the next girl, she had long black hair that she kept down and cold-emotionless black eyes that always gave Kagome the chills - she knew this girl as Kikyo. Once Kikyo was done ordering, a vibrant red hair and green eyed overall happy girl that she knew as Ayame ordered. Next was a boy with long black hair that he kept up in a high ponytail and piercing ice blue eyes that she knew as Koga ordered. Next was a boy she knew as Miroku, he had short black hair that he wore in a small ponytail at the nape of his neck and brown eyes, he also had small gold hoops in his ears, he ordered with a wink sent her way making her blush slightly but also gained him an elbow jab to the ribs by Sango - he walked off saying some excuse or other to Sango making her roll her eyes, she knew Miroku was a big flirt from what she saw him doing around the school. Next was Inuyasha, he walked up and looked at the menu.

"Welcome to WacDonald's-"

"Yeah, yeah," Inuyasha said interrupting Kagome, "just get me two double WacBurgers with cheese, a large fry and a large drink."

"Coming right up." Kagome huffed, irritated that he interrupted her.

Hearing her miffed tone, Inuyasha focused on the girl behind the counter.

"That'll be ten-fifty-seven." Kagome said still irritated.

Inuyasha reached in his pocket to get his wallet. "Hey, you look familiar, do I know you?"

"Wow," Kagome said as she accepted the money that he handed her before handing him his change and a large cup, "we've been going to the same school since elementary and you don't even know who I am." Even though this is what she wanted, it still hurt that her plan was working so well, and nobody really knew who she was.

The others overheard what Kagome and crowded the resister again making Kagome nervous and uncomfortable.

"Oh, I know you!" Sango said as recognition lit in her eyes. "You're in my science class, Kagome, right?"

Kagome sighed as she looked down. "Yeah, that's me."

'Good job, Kagome, keep up the good work.'Mr. Myoga's words echoed in Inuyasha's mind as he looked at Kagome.'That's it, I'll use her as my tutor!'

"Hey, you're really smart, ain't ya?" Inuyasha asked.

"Um, yeah, I guess." Kagome said giving him a questioning look.

"Great," Inuyasha said as he folded his arms across his chest and with a look that dared her to argue went on to say, "you're my tutor."

"I'm your what!?" Kagome shrieked out loud.

"Higurashi!" Kagome's manager scolded making her flinch. "This is your warning, one more outburst like that and you're out of here for the night!"

"I'm sorry." Kagome apologized as she looked down at the floor. The groups order was then placed on the counter and Kagome used that as a way to make everyone go away, she wasn't used to this kind of attention, and it was making her very self-conscious. "Well, there's your food, enjoy!" She said with a smile that the others saw didn't reach her eyes.

"Well, will you or not?" Inuyasha asked not moving to take his food like the others were.

"Will I what?" Kagome asked with a fake innocent look.

"Don't play dumb, wench!" Inuyasha growled.

"I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about!" Kagome said between clenched teeth.

Inuyasha growled again as he leaned closer to her and almost smirked when he heard her breath hitch in her throat and her heartrate increase. "I need a tutor, or I'll be kicked off the football team."

Kagome sighed in defeat. "You're not leaving until I agree, are you?"

"Nope." Inuyasha smirked as he popped his lips on the 'p' and finally leaned away from her.

Kagome sighed again. "Fine, we'll meet at the library every Monday, Wednesday and Friday night a six."

"No," Inuyasha said with a shake of his head, library is too public, my house will be better."

"Your house!?" Kagome shrieked again with a horrified look on her face.

"That's it, Higurashi, you're done for the night!" Kagome's manager said in an angry tone.

"Great!" Kagome said as she threw her hands up in frustration. "You're making up the difference for the pay that I just lost!" She said as she pointed a finger at Inuyasha's face. She then disappeared in the back.

"Good job, Inuyasha!" Sango scolded.

"What'd I do!?" Inuyasha asked angrily.

"You caused her to have to go home!" Ayame said in an angry tone as well.

"I feel bad." Miroku said with a sigh as he looked down on the floor. "It seems she really needs the money."

"Yeah." Koga agreed as he looked off in the direction that Kagome disappeared at.

"Well, she shouldn't have yelled like that!" Kikyo sneered as she folded her hands across her chest. "It's not Inuyasha's fault that she got sent home."

Before anyone could agree or disagree with Kikyo, Kagome came back out. "Give me your address." She said still pissed off at being sent home.

Once Inuyasha gave her the address, Kagome turned on her heel and stomped out of WacDonald's.


The next day was Friday; it was lunch time and Kagome was still fuming at being sent home last night. She sat by herself at a lunch table that was pushed up in the corner. She glowered down at her lunch tray before some money was shoved in her line of vision. She blinked a few times at the money before looking up and coming to eye contact with a pair of golden eyes.

"What's this?" Kagome asked not taking the money.

"Keh!" Inuyasha scoffed as he threw the money down on the table. "You said I owed you for making you lose out on money last night."

"Oh." Kagome said as she picked the money up and counted it. "Two hundred? Inuyasha, that's more than I make in a night." She said as she looked up at him.

"If you don't want it, give it back." Inuyasha said as he held out his hand.

"No!" Kagome said as she jerked it back and quickly put it in her back pocket.

"Keh!" Inuyasha scoffed as he walked away.

"Keh!" Kagome did a poor mock of Inuyasha's scoff before going back to eating.

The day passed without anything else happening.

"I'm home!" Kagome said as she kicked off her shoes.

"Hey, sis!" Sota called as he sat on the floor watching TV while their mother was once again passed out on the couch, big surprise there.

"I'm going to whip up a quick dinner then I have to go tutor someone." Kagome said as she walked to the kitchen to make sandwiches with a side of chips. "Sandwiches tonight, I have to hurry up because the person I'm helping is a thirty-minute walk from here, so I'll have to leave soon if I'm going to make it there in time."

After she ate, Kagome took a quick shower and dressed in a baggy shirt and a pair of sweatpants before slipping on her shoes, saying a quick goodbye to Sota and leaving.

Standing on the doorstep of a ginormous house, Kagome took a deep breath, adjusted her bag on her shoulder before reaching up and knocked on the door.

A few minutes later, the door opened revealing a short green demon, he sneered as he looked at her up and down in distain.

"Oh, uh," Kagome muttered as she fidgeted with her shirt, "does a Inuyasha Taisho live here?"

The demon didn't say anything, he just stood off to the side and waved her in.

"Stay right here and do try not to touch anything." The demon sneered once again before walking away.

Kagome made a face and stuck her tongue out behind the demon's back but did as she was told as she folded her hands together behind her back as she waited for Inuyasha.

A few minutes later, Inuyasha showed up and gestured for her to follow him. He led her to a huge room with a huge table that had all sorts of snacks and drinks on it but still plenty of space to do their work.

"Geez, you think you have enough snacks." Kagome asked in amazement.

"Didn't know what you liked." Inuyasha grunted as he sat down. "Let's just get this over with."

"Let's." Kagome agreed as she sat down and grabbed a homemade oatmeal cream pie before getting her stuff out of her bag.

They worked in silence for a few minutes before Kagome looked over at Inuyasha's work, she saw he was doing the work the long hard way. "You're doing it the hard way which is probably why you keep getting the wrong answer. Here, do it this way," she said as she showed him the fast easy way, "it's a much easier way and you'll more than likely get the right answer."

"Alright." Inuyasha said as he did the next question the way Kagome showed.

"See! You got it right!" Kagome said in praise.

Inuyasha grunted as he ducked his head down, though, Kagome was sure she saw him blush.

They did the rest of their homework with Kagome showing him tricks and giving him tips about how to make everything easier to remember.

"Thanks, Kagome, I really appreciate it." Inuyasha said once they were finished.

"You're welcome, though, I do have something to say." Kagome said as she shrugged her backpack on her back.

"What is it?" Inuyasha asked with an arched eyebrow.

"I'm not looking for friends, I don't want any, so please don't expect friendship from me. I'm just doing something nice for a classmate." Kagome said as she looked at him.

"No problem there," Inuyasha said with a stretch, "you're not exactly the type of friend I have anyway."

"Good." Kagome said with a nod, though, she couldn't explain the slight ping of pain that struck her heart when he said that. "Goodnight Inuyasha." She said as she turned on her heel and left the house, not noticing that Inuyasha was following her.

"Where's your car?" Inuyasha asked once they were outside making Kagome jump and jerk around to face him.

"I-I don't have one, I walked." Kagome said as she turned back around to start walking.

"Where do you live?" Inuyasha asked as he went to get his car keys that was hung on a hook by the door.

"About thirty minutes, I'll be fine, I can walk." Kagome said as she began to walk down the stairs.

"Keh, it's already after eight-thirty, you wouldn't get home till after nine!" Inuyasha shouted as he too walked down the stairs. "Just get in my car and tell me where you live, I'll drive you. It's the least I could do after you gave me all those tips."

"That seems like something a friend would do and if you remember I'm not looking for friends, I'll walk." Kagome said as she walked past Inuyasha's car.

"Stubborn wench," Inuyasha muttered, "look, I already said you're not the kind of friend that I keep around me - so let's just call this a thank you for helping me."

"You're not going to leave this alone until I agree, are you?" Kagome asked as she rolled her eyes.

"Nope." Inuyasha said as he unlocked the doors with his key fob.

Kagome sighed but got in the car so Inuyasha could drive her home.

A week had passed and Inuyasha developed the habit of showing up at Kagome's house to drive her to school, then insisted that he drove her home and even to work as well as picking her up to go to his house for their study sessions. Kagome had absolutely refused at first, but damn Inuyasha is very persistent and wouldn't take no for an answer, swearing up and down that it was in no way a friendly manner for him to do so. Begrudgingly, Kagome agreed to the car rides. Though, she wasn't happy with the stares they got when she stepped out of his car every morning or when she reluctantly got in his car when it was time to go, but that was slowly beginning to not bother her as much anymore. She was glad, however, that he didn't act differently during school hours and continued to treat her as if she was a stranger. However, during their study sessions at his house, Kagome was beginning to feel comfortable enough to laugh and joke around with Inuyasha, during this time he had learned why she wanted to get out of here so bad and had to agree that if he were in the same situation as she was then he'd want to leave too.

Friday came with yet another test for Inuyasha to take, he was nervous but after that class the rest of the day passed by in a blur for him.

"How do you think you did on the test today?" Kagome asked as they sat at the huge table for another night of studying and doing homework. She still kept a watchful eye on Inuyasha while he did his work and gave him pointers when she saw him struggling, however, he mainly had it by himself.

"I think I did okay." Inuyasha said with a stretch and a yawn. "I'm really hoping so, if I get one more bad grade, I'm off the team."

"Well, I'm rooting for you." Kagome said as she started to put her things away.

"Thanks." Inuyasha said as he stood up when Kagome did so he could get ready to drive her home, however, when Kagome went to walk she tripped over the chair leg and tried to catch herself on Inuyasha's shirt but with him not expecting it, she pulled him down with her - the momentum of the fall had their bodies twisting in the air in a way that Kagome's back hit the floor with a huff and had Inuyasha landing on top of her.

"I'm sorry!" Kagome said as she opened her eyes to look into his eyes. Her breath hitched in her throat when she saw him already looking at her with concern in his eyes. She didn't know how long that they stayed like that for as they just got lost in each other's eyes when Inuyasha lifted a hand to gently brush her bangs off her face making a blush color her cheeks.

"You, okay?" Inuyasha asked as he placed his hand on the floor by her head.

"I-Inuyasha!" Kagome squeaked as her hands fisted in his shirt as her face turned even redder in pure embarrassment.'Why isn't he getting off?'

Inuyasha chuckled as he finally got off Kagome and stuck his hand out for her to take.

Kagome took his hand and allowed him to help her up, they walked out and got in his car so he could drive her home. He secretly relished the fact that her face stayed red the entire trip back to her house.

On the way home Kagome looked out the window as her heart pounded in her chest.'Why is my heart still pounding?'She asked herself as she brought her hand up to rub the skin over her heart, which of course Inuyasha saw and had to bite his cheek to keep himself from commenting on it.

Finally, Inuyasha pulled in her driveway, and she hopped out of the car with a hasty goodbye before running up the stairs and disappearing inside. Inuyasha chuckled as he shook his head and he left to go back home.

Walking inside, Kagome didn't expect anyone to still be awake and went to walk straight to her room to get some sleep.

"Where have you been?" Kagome's mother asked making Kagome stop and look at the couch where her mother sat pouring herself a shot before taking it.

"Oh, hi mama." Kagome said as she walked the short distance to stand by the couch. "I was over at a classmates house helping them with their homework."

"Since when do you have friends?" Kagome's mom laughed as she poured herself another shot.

"I-I don't, I was just helping so they don't get kicked off the football team." Kagome said as she watched her mom take the shot she had poured.

Her mother didn't say anything else, so Kagome took her leave with a sigh. Once she got to her room and changed into her pajamas, she curled up in her bed, however, she didn't get much sleep - a certain silver haired, golden eyed boy danced around her head the rest of the night no matter how hard she tried to banish him from her thoughts.


Monday rolled around and Inuyasha walked into his fourth-class period, the one right before lunch, also the one that he had taken the test on Friday. Today will be the day Inuyasha would learn his fate, today he'd find out if he would be kicked off the football team or not. He sat in his chair right as the tardy bell rang and watched as the teacher stood up with the stack of tests. He held his breath as his pulse kicked up a notch as his eyes tracked the teacher passing out the graded tests.

"You nervous?" Miroku whispered as he leaned closer to Inuyasha.

"Yeah, I am." Inuyasha admitted as his leg started to bounce up in down as his anxiety started to choke him.

"To be honest, I am too." Miroku said as he straightened back up as the teacher got closer to them. "The team would suck without you on it."

As Miroku said that the teacher laid Inuyasha's test face down on his desk before walking off. He fingered the edge of the pages as his heartbeat kicked up another notch - damn, he really hoped he did well on this test, he really didn't want to get kicked off the football team! He exhaled loudly as he finally flipped the test over.

"Yes!" Inuyasha shouted as he shot out of his seat with his test in his hand held above his head.

"Taisho!" The teacher shouted as he paused his writing something down on the board to look at him. "I'm glad you did well on your test but please take your seat and don't disrupt my class again."

"Sorry Mr. Ito." Inuyasha said as he sat down.'Kagome did it! Her tricks and tips actually helped me pass!'He thought with a smile on his face as he looked down at his test.

Once the period was over, Inuyasha practically ran out of the room like the devil was at his heels to get to the lunchroom and in line to get his food. With his food in hand, his gaze zeroed on the table pushed up in the corner and saw Kagome already sitting down.

Kagome was looking down at her tray not expecting anyone to sit down with her, so when another tray that wasn't her own was placed on the table directly across from her, she looked up and watched as Inuyasha sat down.

"What are you doing?" Kagome asked as she looked around the lunchroom, everyone was staring at them.

"Eating." Inuyasha said simply as two other trays were sat down on her table. She looked up and saw Miroku and Koga sit down.

"We're eating here today?" Miroku asked and Inuyasha nodded. "Well, alright." He said as two more trays were placed on the table, she sighed as she watched as Sango and Ayame take their seats.

"People are staring." Kagome muttered as her face grew hotter and hotter.

"Let them." Inuyasha gruffed as he continued to eat.

Kagome leveled Inuyasha a glare and saw Kikyo standing several feet away from Inuyasha as she glared at her. "What about your girlfriend? She looks just about ready to kill me."

"Keh, she's not my girlfriend." Inuyhasha scoffed. "And she'd have to get through me if she wants to hurt you."

Kagome felt her checks heat up even more at Inuyasha's words and she dipped her head down to hide it. "Why are you doing this?

"Doing what?" Inuyasha asked with a raised eyebrow. "Eating? Because I'm hungry."

Kagome jerked her head back up to glare at Inuyasha again and noticed that everyone around the table was listening to their conversation, though, her anger wouldn't allow her to care about that. "No, why are you sitting with me? I told you that I didn't want any friends." She hissed between her teeth.

"Why?" Sango asked as she looked at Kagome with a sad expression.

Kagome sighed and looked at Sango. "Because, for me having friends would be pointless. I don't need anything making it harder for me to leave after graduation."

"Why do you want to leave?" Ayame asked with as she tilted her head.

"Yeah, there are so many opportunities here." Koga added as Miroku nodded in agreement.

"Maybe for you footballers and cheerleaders, but not for me." Kagome said with a shake of her head. She let out a sigh before standing up, throwing her barely eaten food away and leaving the lunchroom.

Inuyasha got up and chased after her with his test in his hand.

"Kagome wait up!" Inuyasha said as he caught up with her.

"What Inuyasha?" Kagome asked with a roll of her eyes as she turned to face him.

"Look." Inuyasha said as he handed her his test.

Confused, Kagome took and looked at the paper and despite herself a smile spread across her face. "A B!? That's great Inuyasha!" She said as she looked up at him, she would be lying if she said she wasn't happy for him.

"It's all thanks to you." Inuyasha said with a small smile curling his lips as he reached up to run his claws across her cheek before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I-Inuyasha, please," Kagome said with tears in her eyes as she took a step away from him, "we can't." Again, she'd be lying to herself if she said she hasn't been feeling closer to Inuyasha, all the evenings that she spent with him helping him study and with his homework, all the car rides he gave her - it was kind of hard not to develop some type of feelings for someone that forces themselves in your life. She mentally sighed as a tear slipped passed her eyelashes, the harder she tried to keep him at arm's length the closer he seemed to get. She shook her head with a look of deep sadness before she turned on her heel and walked away from him as more tears fell out of her eyes as Inuyasha watched her leave.

You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
I know you want me
So don't keep saying our hands are tied
You claim it's not in the cards
And fate is pulling you miles away
And out of reach from me
But you're here in my heart
So, who can stop me if I decide
That you're my destiny?

That night Kagome went over to Inuyasha's once again to work on their homework. As they were working, Inuyasha took every chance he had to either 'accidentally' brush his hand against hers or lightly rub his leg on her leg - not on purpose of course, nope. His lips curled up in a smirk every time she fumbled over her words, a blush stole across her cheeks, her breath hitch in her throat and/or her heart kicked up a notch in reaction to his touch - she tried to hide it, but he knew as well as she knew that they both wanted each other. Now, all he had to do was figure out how he could make her stay here with him, how could he change her mind out of leaving?

They were working on their astronomy homework when he leaned in a little too close to Kagome and relished the way that her breath caught in her throat. "Hey, did I get this one right?"

"Oh, um," Kagome muttered before clearing her throat and felt her face heat up for what felt like the thousandth time that night, he wasn't playing fair, and they both knew it, "y-yes, y-you did it right." She fumbled as she looked up from his paper and looked into his eyes, she got lost in the golden orbs as Inuyasha raised a hand up to cup her cheek before slipping his hand under her hair to cup the back of her neck. When he saw that she didn't try to get away, Inuyasha brought her closer and leaned his forehead against hers and watched as her eyes fluttered shut as a sigh escaped her lips.

What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine
Nothing can keep us apart
You'd be the one I was meant to find
It's up to you, and it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
So why don't we rewrite the stars?
Maybe the world could be ours

Kagome cleared her throat, breaking the moment as she quickly got her stuff gathered up and started walking towards the door. Inuyasha smiled as he followed after her, it didn't take a genius to figure out that she had it bad for him just as bad as he had it for her. He would play dirty as many times as he had to in order to get her to stay with him.

The next day at school, he made sure to meet her after every class and walk her to her next class no matter how many times she told him she didn't need him to or that he'd be late to his own class - he even sat with her at lunch again, along with his friends.

The day passed with more 'accidental' touches and attempts to try and get as close as possible to her, Inuyasha was now in the locker room changing for practice thinking of different ways that he could try and win Kagome over when a couple of his teammates came up to him, not Miroku or Koga - they weren't in there yet.

"What's up with you hanging around thatnerdlately?"

"What are you talking about, Kanske?" Inuyasha grunted as he continued to get ready for practice.

"You know exactly what he's talking about." Kai, another teammate, said. "That girl isn't a good look for you!"

"She isn't a good look for me, or for the team?" Inuyasha challenged as he looked at them.

"Both!" They yelled at the same time.

Inuyasha sighed, he didn't want them in his business, and he knew for sure that Kagome didn't want them in her business - hell, he was barely allowed to be there as it was. With that in mind he started talking saying things that would get them off his back. "Look, I was just thanking her for helping me study and with my homework - she's the reason I'm still on the team, it doesn't go beyond that. She doesn't mean anything to me, she's just some girl that gave me some pointers on my homework."

"Well, I think you've said thank you enough, time to get rid of her!" Kanske said as Kai nodded in agreement.

Kagome stopped with her hand frozen in the air keeping it from knocking on the gym locker room door. She held a piece of paper that a teacher had asked if she could give to Inuyasha. She heard everything and felt as if her heart was going to explode - this right here is one of the reasons why she didn't want friends.

"Hey Kagome, need something?" Miroku asked as he and Koga walked up behind her making her jump and jerk her body around to face them.

"Oh, um," Kagome stuttered before clearing her throat, "could you give this to Inuyasha?" She asked as she handed him the piece of paper before leaving the gym as fast as she could.


A few days had passed and Kagome and Inuyasha were sitting in his dining room doing their homework, however, you could cut the tension in the air with a knife.

"Kagome, what's been up with you lately?" Inuyasha asked as he continued to work on his assignment.

"Nothing." Kagome bit out as her body tensed not looking at him.

"Really?" Inuyasha looked at her with a look that clearly said that he didn't believe her. "Because the last few days you've been avoiding me and even now, you're acting differently."


"Cut the bullsh*t, Kagome! Tell me what's wrong!" Inuyasha snapped interrupting her in his frustration.

You think it's easy

"I heard everything, Inuyasha." Kagome said as she dipped her head further down.

You think I don't wanna run to you

"What do you mean you heard everything?" Inuyasha asked in confusion.

But there are mountains
And there are doors we can't walk through

"I mean I heard what you said to your teammates!" Kagome snapped finally looking at him making him suck in a breath when he saw the tears streaming down her face. "You said that I didn't mean anything to you, that I was just some girl that helped you with your homework!"

I know you're wondering why because we're able to be
Just you and me within these walls
But when we go outside, you're gonna wake up and see
That it was hopeless after all

"Kagome, I didn't mean any of that!" Inuyasha said as he turned his body fully towards her. "I was just saying things that I thought would get them off my back and out of our business because I know you don't like people in your business!"

"But you're right!" Kagome yelled as more tears flowed unchecked down her cheeks. "Don't you see? We're from two different worlds! You're from the football world and I'm from the brainiacs world, there's no way that we can mix the two worlds together! We're just too different! Your teammates are right, it's not a good look and you need to focus on football." She said as she looked back down at her assignment.

"f*ck football!" Inuyasha snarled making Kagome jump and look up at him with wide eyes. "f*ck my teammates! If they can't see that being with you makes me happy then I don't need either one! We decide what we can be!"

"Don't say that Inuyasha!" Kagome shouted at him. "You love football, and I would die before I'll be the reason that you quit something you love!" She yelled as she gathered her stuff up. "I have to go, goodbye Inuyasha." She said as she stood up and ran out the door.

"Kagome, wait!" Inuyasha called after her as he ran to catch up with her. "I'll drive you."

"No," Kagome said as she shook her head, "we need to stop this, no more tutoring, no more rides anywhere, no more walking me to my class and no more eating lunch with me - you have to focus on football, please don't make this harder than what it needs to be." She said as the tears continued to leak past her eyelashes as she turned to disappear into the night leaving two broken hearts in her wake.

No one can rewrite the stars
How can you say you'll be mine?
Everything keeps us apart
And I'm not the one you were meant to find
It's not up to you
It's not up to me
When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?
Say that the world can be ours

Kagome did her upmost best to avoid Inuyasha for the rest of the year, she snuck out of class hidden within a group of people after every class was over, if they shared a class, she made sure to ask to use the restroom right before the bell rang every time, she ate lunch in the library as she studied some, she left home early in the mornings and left school late every day to make sure Inuyasha had left before she had left and she stopped going over to his house for their studying session. She did everything she could to make sure that he would focus on his football career, even if it did crush her heart that she couldn't have him, she knew deep down that it was for the best for the both of them.

The days turned into weeks, weeks into months until it was finally the last day of school. Kagome hadn't seen Inuyasha since she left off his porch step that night, though, she knew that he was doing what she asked him too and was exceeding in his football journey which made her incredibly happy. She, herself, was exceeding in her schooling - she was sure that she'd be able to get the scholarship that she needed to leave this place behind her, but why did the thought of leaving all of a sudden hurt like hell?

The last bell of the school year had rung ten minutes ago, and Kagome was still looking down at her desk in deep thought.

"Higurashi!" The teacher called snapping her out of her thoughts. "The bell rang, I want to go home and enjoy my summer, please leave."

"O-oh," Kagome said as she looked around the empty room, "I'm sorry." She said as she stood up with her bag and left the room. She walked down the empty hall as she got lost in her thoughts again when a hand suddenly darted out, grabbed her by the arm and pulled her in the empty science room before roughly pushing her up against the wall. She gasped as she stared up into a pair of angry golden eyes.

"Inuyasha." Kagome said breathless as her heart hammered in her chest.

"You've avoided me for the last day, Kagome!" Inuyasha growled as he placed his hands on the wall on either side of Kagome's head.

"I-it's for the b-best." Kagome stuttered as her hands came up to rest on his chest.

"Bullsh*t!" Inuyasha snarled as he pushed his body closer to hers.


"I don't give a f*ck what anyone says!" Inuyasha growled cutting Kagome's words off. "I want you and I know you want me!"

"It's not that simple!" Kagome cried as her hands fisted in his shirt.

"Who the f*ck says?" Inuyasha asked as he laid his forehead against hers.

"You're teammates." Kagome said with a shiver when his breath hit her lips.

"f*ck my teammates!"

"You did!" Kagome reminded him.

Inuyasha moved his hands off the wall to cup her face as he looked deeply into her eyes. "I was scared, I wasn't sure where this was going, you kept pushing me away. They were on my ass, so my stupid ass said sh*t that would make them happy not really knowing how they would make you feel, I'm sorry." Inuyasha said as he closed his eyes.

"Inuyasha." Kagome said as her hands came up to grab his wrists.

All I want is to fly with you
All I want is to fall with you
So just give me all of you
It feels impossible
It's not impossible
Is it impossible?
Say that it's possible

Kagome's breath hitched in her throat when Inuyasha leaned back and looked from her eyes down to her lips as he ran the pad of his thumb across her bottom lip as he slowly leaned back in. Kagome's heart pounded in her chest as she watched him come closer to her and tried to form a coherent thought as the fog started to take control.

How do we rewrite the stars?
Say you were meant to be mine?
Nothing can keep us apart
'Cause you are the one I was meant to find
It's up to you
And it up to me
No one can say what we get to be
And why don't we rewrite the stars?
Changing the world to be ours

Inuyasha moved one hand from her cheek to slip under her hair to cup the back of her neck as he continued to move in slowly. "Please, Kagome, just let me have you."

Kagome struggled to keep her thoughts lined up and to keep the fog away, but Inuyasha was making that difficult. His body was lighting a fire within her soul that only he could put out.

You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide

Kagome forced herself to think of all the stares and whispers and what was said in the locker room that day, tears started to run down her face as she thought of all the things that they've been through and how difficult it would be for the both of them if she were to give into her desires.

But I can't have you
We're bound to break, and my hands are tied

Kagome found the strength that she didn't know she possessed and pushed him off her. "I'm sorry, we can't!" She sobbed as she ran out of the room.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled after her, but she was already gone, he growled as he punched the wall before leaving the school building.

*A Year Later*
*Right After Graduation*

"I'm so proud of you!" Inuyasha's mom gushed as she hugged him. Thanks to Kagome he was able to get passing grades on all of his assignments and tests and was able to stay on the football team as well as getting a scholarship to play college football.

Inuyasha sighed, thinking of Kagome - she had successfully avoided him all year long, he looked around the gym for her but couldn't find her.

"Inuyasha!" He heard Sango call his name.

"Inuyasha!" That time was Ayame.

Inuyasha turned to face the girls with a questioning look.

"You need to go!" Ayame said as she walked behind Inuyasha and began pushing his back towards the exit.

"Go where?" Inuyasha asked as he stumbled a little.

"Kagome went to the airport!" Sango said as she moved to help Ayame push Inuyasha.

That was enough for him, he ran as fast as he could and got into his car. Arriving at the airport, Inuyasha ran inside and looked around, he remembered during one of their study sessions she had mention that she was going to New York after graduation. He looked up at the boarding screen and cursed when he saw that they were boarding now. He ran as fast as he could to the place where New York was loading just in time to watch the plane take off.

"sh*t!" Inuyasha cursed again as he felt his heart crack, he was too late. He turned around and the sight that greeted him made his heart skip a beat and his breath to get lodged in his throat. There, sitting in one of the chairs with her head bowed and her hands clutched into fists as they laid on her thighs, was Kagome.

Inuyasha sat in the chair beside her, but she didn't flinch or acknowledge that he was there. "You missed your flight."

"There's another one in a few hours." She muttered not looking up.

"Will you be on it?" Inuyasha asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Should've been on that one." Kagome said with a sigh.

"I don't think you want to go." Inuyasha said as he dipped his head trying to catch her eyes with his.

Kagome dipped her head down further as her hair fell to hide her from his view. "Y-you don't know anything." She said as she sucked in a shuddering breath. "All you had to do was leave me alone, and now look, I'm having second thoughts of something that was set in stone since middle school just because you couldn't pay attention in class." Her voice was nothing more than a shaky whisper as she squeezed her fists tighter.

Inuyasha sighed as he stood up before grabbing Kagome's hand and pulling her to stand up. "Stay."

"W-what?" Kagome asked as her eyes got wide and her breath hitch in her throat.

"Please, Kagome, just stay with me." Inuyasha said as he pulled her closer to him so he could wrap his arms around her waist as his forehead came down to lean against hers.

"I-Inuyasha." Kagome whispered as her hands came up to clutch his shirt as her heart pounded against her ribcage.

"You said that you wanted me to focus on my football career, I did that, I'm going to play college football." Inuyasha said as he trailed his claws up Kagome's sides, loving the way she shivered under his touch, to come up and cup her cheeks. "My life isn't complete though, not without you, so please, stay."

Kagome shivered as Inuyasha's breath fanned across her face and closed her eyes enjoying being in his arms.

"I'm not above begging." Inuyasha said when she didn't say anything causing her to open her eyes again to look into his. "I'll do whatever I can to get you to stay."

"Inuyasha," Kagome whispered as tears gathered in her eyes, "no matter how hard I try, nothing I do makes me forget about you - that harder I try, the more you're there." She said as the tears started to run down her cheeks as her hands came up to grasp his wrists. "It was so hard to stay away from you during high school, but I didn't want to ruin your chance at playing college football and now you are, and I am so proud of you." She said with a combination of a sob and a laugh. "I thought I was making the right choice by leaving but when they called for boarding to New York all I could think about was all our late-night study sessions, all of the car rides, the laughs, the jokes, how you forced yourself into my life - into my heart and I couldn't get on the plane, my body wouldn't move."

Inuyasha used the pads of his thumbs to wipe at her tears as they fell. "What do you think that means, Kagome?"

Kagome sighed as she closed her eyes and her grip on his wrists got tighter. "It means that I want to stay here with you."

The only warning Inuyasha gave was a growl as his lips came crushing down on her lips in a kiss so heated, so feral, so full of emotion between the both of them that it lasted for the rest of their life.

Hope you liked this one shot! Bye!

Rewrite the Stars - MyImmortalSoul - InuYasha (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.