A New Adventure - Chapter 6 - RileyOE - InuYasha (2024)

Chapter Text

Sunday morning, Kagome walked back into the manor after two nights of camping, feeling refreshed. She was surprised to barely step inside and come face to face with Logan. “Morning,” she greeted politely, moving to walk around him.

“Do you want to grab breakfast?” Logan asked, his tone gruff. He didn’t grab at her or crowd her, but shifted so he could still face her.

“I planned on eating after I showered,” Kagome answered simply, blinking at him, a little confusion and curiosity mixed in her tone. “I do not typically skip my morning meals.”

“After your shower, would you like to leave the manor and go to a restaurant with me, for breakfast?” Logan clarified.

Arching an eyebrow, Kagome co*cked her head to the side, recalling his scowl in the forest. “I did not think you would be interested in socializing outside of work.”

Rubbing the back of his neck, he shrugged. “I would like to get to know you. You interest me. I don’t like to play games, so I’m asking.”

“I will decline your invitation. Thank you though,” Kagome finally answered without elaborating further. She turned to go and frowned when she heard him start after her. “I gave you my answer.”

“And I live here too,” Logan snorted, scowling a little before walking past her a bit. “Anyway, you change your mind, let me know.” He ignored Scott as he headed towards the elevator to head down to the Danger Room.

A touch embarrassed, Kagome watched him go and then smiled in greeting to Scott. “Good morning.”

“Morning. Oh, by the way, Jean wants to see you sometime today, if you have a chance.” He looked a little amused about something. “Catch you later though!” He waved before darting after Logan, scooting through the closing elevator doors at the last second. “She is one cool customer.” He grinned at his surly colleague.

Annoyed, Logan mashed the buttons to get to the secured lower level. “Piss off.”

“Hey, hey, don’t give up though. If you like her, try, you know, talking to her. See what she likes and offer to do that. I mean, if I was into her, I’d keep trying. Seems like the type to be worth the effort,” Scott encouraged, clearly enjoying that he couldn’t just walk away.

Logan snorted, eyes focused ahead as the elevator slowly went down. “You just want to keep me away from Jean.”

“Well, can you blame me?” Scott countered, grinning shamelessly and moving in front with hands raised in a peacemaking gesture to cut him off when the lift stopped and the doors opened. “Just think about it, okay?”


Springing from her seat with a touch of surprise when the door opened, Jean smiled in welcome and gestured to the exam table. “Glad to see I didn’t have to drag you into this exam--Logan was the worst when he signed on.”

Eyes narrowing, Kagome frowned. “Exam? Scott informed me that you wished to speak.”

“Oh. Jerk. Anyway, I was hoping we could do a physical–Since you’re planning on staying, it’s policy to get a clean bill of health at the start.” Jean picked up a clipboard,

Kagome remained outwardly calm, a polite smile in place, and nodded a little uneasily. “I’m not really used to the idea of my coworkers also performing my physicals”

“Well, I can see your hesitation, but I’m really the best doctor for you. I mean, especially with your situation, it just seems smart to have someone right here, ready to see to the needs of you and your child,” Jean explained with a confident smile that spoke volumes regarding her opinion on the subject. “Don’t worry, you’re in good hands.”

Smile slipping from her lips, Kagome shook her head. “I appreciate that you are trying to be of help to me, but I would prefer to keep a dividing line between personal and professional matters. I will have Aiji’s personal physician to see to my care. I am a very private person, Dr. Grey and I mean no offense, but medical care is a topic that should be handled by impartial medical professionals.” She needed boundaries and despite Xavier’s words, she could not quite put her trust in this woman.

Frowning, Jean looked truly taken aback. “Kagome, who would be a better doctor for your child? I understand you want privacy, but the professor tells me it’s a mutant, though I’m not sure how he would know given that you are far too early in to get any sort of reading. Not to mention, you live here, which means I can be right here for you at all times-”

“Please, you are correct, I do live here, and that is why I need to set these rules. You are my coworker and housemate, that is enough entanglement right there. I prefer my doctor to be unbiased and purely professional. I will consent to a physical so that you have any pertinent information on me you might need. Anything else I can handle outside of the manor, though I thank you for being so willing to work with me.”

Lips thinning, Jean nodded and got out a chart. “Start on the scale.”


“Mama, we have company,” Shippou whispered in her ear, jumping from her shoulder to stand beside Kirara.

Kagome did not seem overly concerned however. “Wait here. I will see to it we are not disturbed.” Smiling reassuringly, she walked through the trees and found an impassive Sesshomaru waiting for her. “Is there something you want?”

Stepping in close, his eyes darkened, as if he detected a shift in her scent. “You are passing through this one’s territories.”

“I’m aware,” Kagome replied, mouth a little dry. “I killed a demon--he had a shard embedded in his forehead, but I retrieved it.”

“You are holding up your end of the bargain. The hunt continues with the aid given to you.” Sesshomaru took another step toward her and there was a glint in his eyes when she stepped back. “You have lingered in this territory, beyond what was needed to retrieve the shard.”

Swallowing, Kagome felt a wave of desire smoldering inside her, starting from the pit of her stomach and rising outwards to heat her flesh and paint her faintly pink. “Well, I was weary after the battle, so we rested....”

Sesshomaru leaned in, his lips close to her ear. “There is a hot spring a mile away.” His nose landed on her pulse, running from her collarbone to her ear.

Pulse racing, Kagome swallowed and nodded. “I will plan on a bath.” Shyly, she turned her head towards his, their foreheads touching.


Waking up nauseated as usual, Kagome power-walked into the bathroom and let the usual routine begin before brushing her teeth thoroughly. She stripped before coating herself with a thicker body oil from Shippou. Standing before the mirror, she turned sideways and looked at her body from the side, wondering how long it would be before her stomach protruded enough to really give her away. “When will you start saying hello, I wonder…” She ran her hand over her lower abdomen and smiled softly.

Her cell phone went off and she walked back to her bedside table and checked to see who it was before answering it. “Good evening, Mama,” Kagome answered in Japanese.

“Good morning to you!” Emiko replied brightly, though with a touch of sadness. “I got your message last night. Are you really going to stay? When will I meet my grandchild?”

Smiling a little at her concerns, Kagome shifted the phone to the other ear to start pulling on a pair of running shorts, bypassing her usual sweatpants. “I will be staying for at least the full year. I might fly home for the break they take in November--Classes only happen for two days that week, so my plan would be to get on a plane that night after classes and stay until Sunday morning. As for your grandchild, he or she will be born in March, so either Spring break or Summer, unless you want to fly here.”

“I will make arrangements to be there. Well, I was about to call Souta, to make sure he’s getting home on time tonight. I’ll give him your love.” There was an obvious dismay to her tone that her daughter would not be coming home for so long. “I think I miss you more when I hear your voice. I wish I could be a part of this…”

“I’m sorry. I love you, Mama. I will call soon, if you’ll be up for it. Take care.” Kagome felt a touch of heaviness in her heart as she hung up. She pulled on a tank top and was to the door when she sensed Storm outside it. She waited for the knock before opening.

Storm looked vaguely surprised at the quick answer and smiled slightly. “Good morning. I was hoping to catch you before your run. Can I join you today?”

“If you like--Just let me grab my shoes and socks,” Kagome answered, curious as to why she wanted to join her, when she suddenly felt her eyes on her. Silently cursing her distraction this morning, she went to the dresser and pulled out a pair of sweatpants to put on over the shorts she’d slipped into during her phone conversation.

The damage was done though and Storm stepped into the room, a frown in place. “Kagome, how-”

Pulling the sweatpants on over the shorts, Kagome’s eyes met hers unblinkingly, the set of her jaw belying complete commitment to her next words.. “Some things are private, and I would prefer to keep it that way.”

Closing her eyes and breathing deeply, Storm paused for a moment, then looked at her. “Are there people that would try to hurt you that need to be dealt with?”

“No one that I know of, currently,” Kagome answered, still a little tense in the moment.

“Alright then. We should head out for that run then. I know you like to keep a regular schedule,” she told her, deciding to drop the subject

Relieved, Kagome offered her a smile. “Perfect. I’ll be ready in just a moment.”


Accepting the attendance pad, Kagome smiled warmly at her class. “Well, I am pleased to see you all back to continue the legend of the Shikon no Tama. I also see a few new faces. That is fine, but if you want to know what we spoke on last week for context, there is a presentation I shared on the school site, or you could just talk to your classmates.”

There was a general murmuring from the class, and Kagome took that as a cue to go on. “So, last week, we learned of Midoriko, the creator of the jewel and how it came to be. Today, we are going to follow the aftermath.” She grinned and walked to the door. “Well, come on now, I have some things to show you.”

Rogue looked annoyed. “God, always going out into the heat,” she grumbled to Bobby as they stood.

“Well, I can keep you cool,” he joked, his lips frosted over when he pecked her cheek.

“You two are so sweet that I’m getting cavities,” John snorted, walking ahead of them.

Leading them into the woods, Kagome broke through to a clearing and appraised her displays, carefully placed by herself and Shippou just after her run, much to the astonishment of her students. She walked to the museum-grade glass cases that held a black form-fitting suit of armor and a piece of chest armor over white haori and hakama with a red sash. “In the aftermath of Midoriko’s death, her village suffered greatly. They had no means to really protect the Shikon no Tama, and the darkness within the hearts of villagers left them prey to the enticement of the unpurified jewel. A village in this time needed to be a family. No one could survive alone and those that pulled away were regarded with suspicion. Neighbors, family members… all were being torn apart from the inside.

“Kirara, still loyal to her mistress and friend even in death, saw this and sought out the greatest demon of the time.” Kagome gestured to the case with the white attire and armor. “The Inu no Taisho, or Dog General, was the most powerful demon who had lived in that time. He wielded three blades; So’uunga, the sword of hell, Tessaiga, the sword of man and Tenseiga, the sword of heaven. He was Lord of the Western Lands, and his reputation reached far and wide.

“When he met Kirara, at first he was not particularly concerned over the matter--What did it matter to him if a human village crumbled from their own greed and weakness? However, Kirara had caught the attention of Inu no Taisho’s consort, a Lady Haname, whom had birthed his heir, Sesshomaru. She entreated him to heed the warnings of the cat demon in order to keep balance. A jewel of that sort held no interest to the great demon, but much for the lesser ones that could stir up the humans in their lands.

“Inu no Taisho sent his famous swordsmith Totosai as well as another vassal, Hiroto, to the village. Hiroto taught the men of the village, in particular Midoriko’s younger brother Satsuo, how to fight.” Kagome could not help but feel a little amusem*nt when her students gasped as Shippou suddenly darted from the trees to attack only to have her flip him on his back. “This style allowed humans to stand toe to toe even with someone as strong as Mr. Mikono here. And Totosai began to teach them about weapons, and making them.

“Some were improvised.” Kagome walked to a stack of open boxes behind the demon exterminator case and pulled out a scythe on a chain. She began to swing the chain, careful as she rotated the blade around her. When she set it aside, she pulled out a short sword. “Others were traditional; steel, light and useful, but not something to be relied on against demons.” She only used one hand, cutting through the air quickly.

“The most impressive sort is one you have already seen,” Shippou chimed in as he pulled Hiraikotsu from behind a tree.

“Yes, Totosai taught them the skill that would provide them with their greatest strength--forging their weapons and armor from the claws, teeth, hide and bones of demons,” Kagome stated, walking over to take the weapon.

“Wait, are you saying that thing is made of bones?” Kitty asked, looking horrified.

“That is what the legends say,” Kagome told her, feeling almost apologetic. In some ways, it was terrible. This weapon had been formed of a demon and had killed many after its forging. “This weapon is exceptional--It has perfect balance for throwing and is dense enough to act as a shield or blunt instrument in a close range fight.”

“Something that big can’t be bone--If it was, it would be brittle. And the only reason Mr. Mikono is able to lift it is because he’s a mutant. A normal person wouldn’t be able to throw that,” Pyro piped up.

“Ah, but it is forged bone, and taijiya were the peak of humanity. They were trained from childhood to fight. And though I was not trained from childhood, I can show you right now that it is possible,” Kagome corrected him, smiling.

Looking amused, Shippou stepped back. “Don’t kill the trees.”

Slinging the weapon onto her back, Kagome walked to the treeline and assessed them for a minute before leaping to the lowest branch and continuing her way up.

Kurt’s eyes were wide. “Did you guys know she could do that?” he asked his classmates.

Bobby shook his head. “She let me try and lift that thing last time, after the demonstration. It’s really as heavy as it looks.”

“No way she throws it,” John muttered, playing with a lighter.

Once on the topmost branch that would support the weight, Kagome edged out and swung the weapon off her back, letting her body remember for her as she took her stance and let it fly with a bellow. She had intended on saving this for a later lesson, but it felt good to let the giant boomerang fly again. When it came back, she slung it onto her back and carefully made her way down.

Slowly clapping, Shippou was greatly pleased when the students joined in.

Holding up a hand for quiet, Kagome pulled the giant weapon from her back and leaned it against the tree. “The villagers began a long tradition of protecting the Shikon no Tama and fighting demons that were a danger to humans, Kirara staying by the side of Satsuo and his family as the generations lived on.”


The night air was cool against Kagome’s bare flesh, her breath coming in pants as she rolled onto her back, eyes sliding sideways towards the one now laying beside her. There were no words for a long time, the two of them returning to their own minds as the intensity of their activities faded. Finally, she sat up, putting her feet in the grass as she stood and left the silk he had laid for her benefit.

“You are finished for the night,” Sesshomaru stated, though there was a weight to his words, as if he wanted more.

“I have to keep moving. I left Shippou at the home of an ally, so I need to get him before I return to the village.” She went on, gathering her clothes and slipping her pants on after giving up on finding her underwear.

Standing, Sesshomaru began to dress as well, his manner impassive.

Watching the way the muscles of his back moved with every motion, sapphire eyes ran over the one area on his body with any imperfection, the scarring still present where his arm had regrown. And then he was all covered again, finishing up at the same time as her despite starting after. “Thank you.”

“This one will accompany you to the village.” Not waiting for a response, he began to lead the way, without needing to ask which way her ally lived.

Smiling softly, Kagome nodded and followed. “Rin will be thrilled.”


When Logan spotted Kagome entering the cafeteria, he waited for her to pick her seat before joining her. “Morning.”

“Good morning,” the blue eyed beauty greeted, tone measured. “What is it that I can do for you, Logan?”

“Well, you could stop lookin’ at me like I’m gonna poison you or something. I wanted breakfast, and you wanted breakfast too obviously. So eat.” Gruff as ever, Logan began to tear into his considerably large plate of mostly sausage and bacon.

Letting the matter drop, Kagome started on her yogurt and fruit. After a time, she looked out the window to the slightly cloudy sky. “It will rain today.”

“Yeah, smelled like it when I went out this morning,” Wolverine agreed with a nod. “Is it gonna spoil your class tomorrow if it’s muddy?”

“No. It will be an indoor one.” Kagome smiled a little, thinking on her students and how they truly seemed invested in the tale.

“Heard you threw a giant boomerang and caught it. Pretty heavy thing from the way Bobby tells it.” Logan arched an eyebrow at her. “Said you threw it like you’d been doing it for years. Archery I buy you knowing from living on a shrine.”

“But not giant boomerang throwing. No, that I learned in my spare time for kicks,” Kagome told him, tone dry.

“Kicks, like the one you caught me with when I saw you in the woods?” Logan asked, his tone a little teasing.

Feeling a familiar stirring in her body, Kagome took a drink of her water and shifted, annoyed at her hormones. “Yes, well, you caught me unaware.”

“Nothing catches you unaware,” Logan shot back and he smirked before getting up with his now empty plate. “Going for seconds. Want anything?”

“Thank you, but no.” As he left, she found her eyes trailing over his frame. She was no longer satisfied with her breakfast.

A New Adventure - Chapter 6 - RileyOE - InuYasha (2024)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.