Creighton the Wanderer | Dark Souls 2 Wiki (2024)

Creighton the Wanderer | Dark Souls 2 Wiki (1)
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Creighton the Wanderer | Dark Souls 2 Wiki (2) Creighton the Wanderer | Dark Souls 2 Wiki (3) Location Drops
? 1,450 Huntsman's Copse Creighton's Steel Mask

Creighton the Wanderer is an NPC in Dark Souls 2.Creighton the Wanderercan be encountered in various locations throughout the game. He is a mysterious and somewhat sinister figure, known for his brutal fighting style and his distrust of others. Creighton is initially encountered in Huntsman's Copse, where he is locked in a cell in the Undead Purgatory. As the player interacts with Creighton, they learn of his rivalry with Mild Mannered Pate, and the violent history between the two.

Creighton the Wanderer Information in Dark Souls 2

He is a wandering swordsman from the land of Mirrah who was tricked and is found locked in a jail cell. Upon freeing him, he will tell you who he is and what his goals for revenge are. He moves around the country in search of the man who backstabbed him.

  • Gives you the gesture "Fist pump"
  • Located in Huntsman's Copse, Shaded Woods and Brightstone Cove Tseldora.
    • Will only appear in Brightstone Cove Tseldora once both his and Mild Mannered Pate's dialogue has been exhausted in every location. Details below.
    • (SotFS only) After freeing him in the Huntsman's Copse, you can summon him for the fight against the Skeleton Lords. His sign is in the cave with the skeletons, near the irongate.
  • Though he claims to be from Mirrah, his armor description implies that it isn't even actually from Mirrah, but a replica, and his helm covers his face.

Creighton the Wanderer Encounters in Dark Souls 2

  • Huntsman's Copse.Found locked away inside the cell containing the Undead Lockaway bonfire. The Undead Lockaway Keyis required to open the door.
  • Shaded Woods.Can be found near the Ruined Fork Road bonfire on the way to the misty woods. (SotfS only) Creighton is located at the Shaded Ruins, on the top floor of the right tower near the passage that leads to Scorpioness Najka.
  • Brightstone Cove Tseldora.Right before the Chapel Threshold bonfire to your left, there is a cliffside you can descend off of to land infront of a house below. You will find Creighton and Patefighting inside.

Creighton the WandererDrops in Dark Souls 2

  1. Creighton's Steel Mask

Creighton the Wanderer Dialogue

- When met in Hunstman's Copse

  1. Who are you?
    I thought you were that bastard for a moment.
    You've set me free. Now I can find him.
    The cheeky prick. He won't know what hit him.
  2. I am Creighton, of Mirrah. I travel from land to land to hone my blade.
    I've heard this land was full of danger. I thought it would suit me perfectly.
    I joined forces with a man on the way, but he was no more than a back-stabbing knave.
    He took the first chance he had to try and off me.
    I decided to set a trap for him here, but then I got trapped myself.
    I can't believe that I was so dense. Thank the stars that you came along.
  3. You be careful of him. Pate, I think he said.
    He wears this rather unusual ring. You know it when you see it.
    I've seen his type before. He kills entirely for the pleasure of it.
    I'm sure I won't be his last victim. The man's better off dead, I tell you.
    He's a slick talker, so don't let him fool you.
  4. Pate, the man with the strange ring. Watch out for the slimy rat.
    And don't you believe a word he says.
    I'll find the common footpad, and put an end to his roguery. Heh heh.

- When met in Shaded Woods

  1. Heh heh…Just wait, you dirty rat…
    Hm? Oh…Oh! I-I remember you?!
    Don't you scare me like that. I thought you were him.
  2. That bastard with the ring lives in Brightstone Cove down the way.
    I'm gonna find him and settle the score. Nobody insults me like that.
  3. For the good of the world, and for my own honour.
    I won't let that bastard live another day. Heh heh…

- When encountered fighting Pate in Brighstone Cove Tseldora
Damn! You're tougher than you look!

- When talking after helping him kill Pate

  1. …Serves you right…Hah hah hah!
    …Hah hah…Hah hah hah hah!
  2. …I did it…Hah hah!
    Thanks for your help. He was no pushover…
    Here, take this, and go to my bolt-hole down the way.
    What's there is yours.
    Just a small token of appreciation.
  3. You did me well.

- When talking after he kills Pate without player help
…Serves you right…Hah hah hah!
…Wait… …You weren't friends with that rat, were you?
Then jog on…You've no business with me.

- When talking to him in Brightstone Cove Tseldora after the player has killed Pate somewhere else
Oh, you. What do you want?
That bastard's run off somewhere.

- When talking to him in Brightstone Cove Tseldora after the player has killed Pate somewhere else, if wearing the Ring of Thorns
Your ring! That's his ring!
You're not friends with the bastard, are you?
Hand that ring over to me. He's no friend of yours. You can do without it.
Think carefully before you answer.

- Answer "yes"
You killed him, didn't you?
Fair play. As long as he got what he deserved.
Here, take this, and go to my bolt-hole down the way.
What's there is yours.
Just a small token of appreciation.

- Answer "no"
I see how it is. You're another slimy toad!

- Talking a second time after agreeing to give him the ring
You did me well.

- When the player opens the trapped chest in Brightstone Cove Tseldora
Ooh, that'll leave a nasty scar!

- When giving equipment to the player
Here, these are for you.
You did me well. Just take 'em.

- When attacked but not aggroed
Hey, watch it there!
Why, you!

- When attacked and aggroed
Do you want some? Fine enough!

- When killing the player
Next time, you think before you pick a fight!

- When re-encountered after aggroing
Don't you ever give up!

- When attacked and health is under 50%
Damn! This isn't right!

- When killed
(whimpering and sighing; no subtitles)

- Unknown
Heh…Rotten bastard…

Dark Souls 2 Creighton the Wanderer Trivia

  • Cale the Cartographer claims that he saw a man that looked similar to a serial killer in Mirrah, and that his name was "Cray something".
    • Cale is first discovered in the same area that Mild Mannered Pate is, whose equipment indicates that he might not be what he seems.
    • Creighton's mask covers his face, so recognizing his face would be a difficult task, but his armor, weapon and physique might be easier to.
    • Creighton and Cale do not have the same accent; Pate and Cale do.
    • Creighton tells you that he thinks Pate kills people because he enjoys it.
    • Pate's spear's description states that he has been involved in countless battles, and also that he has something to hide. His armour's description states that it was pillaged.
    • Cale however says he saw a man who looked like a serial killer only after Creighton has been released.
    • Cale's explanation might be for in-game clarity, as to make sure the player has already met Creighton before being warned about a murderer.
    • During his confrontation with Pate he shows complete, nearly psychotic determination to slay the man, while Pate tries to talk his way out of it.
    • Pate has been described as a "smooth talker" and could be trying to play the innocent victim to get the player to help them during the fight.
    • If he was a killer, the imitation knight's armor would be a good way to avoid suspicion among passer-by.
    • In Creighton's dialogue he states that Pate wears a unique ring. During your first encounter with Pate though, he lies about the ring, claiming a man who was trapped left it behind. This may show that Pate does not want to be identified.
    • Both encounters with Creighton are only comprised of him warning you of Pate and what he plans to do with him. However both encounters with Pate involve him directing you to a very dangerous/trapped area and is then surprised when you survive.
    • While Pate does warn the player about traps ahead, he doesn't explain the full danger therein. (He only warns the player about the door closing behind them in the Forest of Fallen Giants, and not the small army of hollows inside.) Possibly to make the player underestimate the danger ahead, causing them to rush to their death.
    • It is worth noting that Creighton does not do anything to harm the player, whereas Pate sends the player into two different ambushes for "Treasure" (although Pate does explicitly warn the player what will happen if they proceed). Both of them booby trap the chest in the Brightstone cove, though.
  • His armour has the same family crest asBenhart of Jugo, though they are probably not related as Benhart's armor's description states that he found it, making it unlikely that he is actually of the same family as Creighton
  • If you have killed Pate earlier you can still get the ring by talking to Creighton in Brightstone Cove Tseldora at the cost of giving him Pate's ring.
  • He does not take the ring; he only wishes to assess whether you are Pate's friend. Just say you will give it to him and he will give you the key. NOTE: this must be the original Ring of Thorns. I accidentally sold mine after buying the Ring of Thorns +1 from Grave Warden Agdayne
  • In Scholar of the First Sin, the location of the second encounter has changed. you can now find him in the shaded woods ruins, in the right tower near the path to the boss.
  • In the original Dark souls 2 trailer it shows three Mirrah Knights identical to Creighton fight and lose to the Faraam knight.
  • Makes an appearance in Dark Souls 3 as an invader and as a part of a sidequest to help another NPC defeat him.
All NPCs in Dark Souls 2

Alsanna, Silent OracleAncient DragonAshen Knight BoydAslatiel of MirrahBell KeeperBenhart of JugoBlacksmith LenigrastBlue Sentinel TargrayBowman GuthryCale the CartographerCaptain DrummondCarhillion of the FoldChancellor WellagerCrestfallen SauldenCromwell the PardonerDarkdiver GrandahlDyna and TilloEmerald HeraldFelicia the BraveFelkin the OutcastGrave Warden AgdayneHead of VengarlJester ThomasLaddersmith GilliganLicia of LindeldtLone Hunter SchmidtLonesome GavlanLucatiel of MirrahMagerold of LanafirManscorpion TarkMasterless GlencourMaughlin the ArmourerMelinda the ButcherMerchant Hag MelentiaMerciless RoennaMild Mannered PateMilfanitoMilibethNameless UsurperNashandraNPC DialoguePeculiar KindalurPilgrim BellclaireRat KingRhoy the ExplorerRosabeth of MelfiaRoyal Sorcerer NavlaanScreenshotsSteady Hand McDuffStone Trader ChloanneStraid of OlaphisStrowenSweet ShalquoirTitchy GrenVendrickVorgel the SinnerWeaponsmith Ornifex

Creighton the Wanderer | Dark Souls 2 Wiki (2024)


Where is Creighton the Wanderer Dark Souls 2? ›

Dark Souls II

Shaded Woods, near the Ruined Fork Road bonfire. Scholar of the First Sin: Instead of appearing at the Ruined Fork Road bonfire, Creighton appears on the upper floor of the right tower when facing the path leading up to the Scorpioness Najka boss fight.

Why is Creighton not invading me in DS3? ›

The player must have defeated him previously alongside Sirris and not have killed Pontiff Sulyvahn in order for him to invade in this location.

Where is Creighton summon? ›

his summon sign is located inside the cave that leads to the waterfall/boss fight. Near the Ruined Fork Road bonfire, sitting by the exit nearest the fog. In Scholar of the First Sin, you can now find him in the Shaded Ruins, in a tower near the path to the boss fight with Scorpioness Najka.

Where to find Creighton in Shaded Woods? ›

Shaded Woods. Can be found near the Ruined Fork Road bonfire on the way to the misty woods. (SotfS only) Creighton is located at the Shaded Ruins, on the top floor of the right tower near the passage that leads to Scorpioness Najka.

What do you get for killing Creighton ds2? ›

If you speak to Creighton and he gives you the key, you may then kill him without consequence and purchase his armour from Melentia in Majula. You'll still be able to get the Engraved Gauntlets if he's dead or alive. You got Pates set spear n ring of thorns from the questline.

How to free Creighton DS2? ›

This key gives the player access to the prison cell in which a bonfire can be found, along with the NPC Creighton Of Mirrah . The key is located past the large bridge in the Huntsman's Copse, and then either through the necromancer cave, or by taking the route around.

Who is the first invader in ds3? ›

Kicking off this list is Holy Knight Hodrick, the first NPC invader you can face in the game. While Hodrick can be found as a regular NPC as the leader of the Mound-Makers covenant, he will also invade your world as a mad spirit near the Dilapidated Bridge in the Undead Settlement.

What is the rare enemy in Dark Souls 3? ›

The Vagrant is easily the rarest enemy in Dark Souls by a country mile. In fact, the enemy is so rare that most people still have no idea how to spawn these enemies. Apparently, these enemies spawn in areas where people have died with a ton of humanity or discarded valuables.

What enemy drops the most souls ds3? ›

Souls Dropped Per Enemy
  • High Lord Wolnir: 22000.
  • Pontiff Sulyvahn: 28000.
  • Yhorm The Giant: 36000.
  • Dragonslayer Armour: 48000.
  • Aldrich, Devourer Of Gods: 50000.
  • Dancer Of The Boreal Valley: 60000.
  • Lothric, Younger Prince & Lorian, Elder Prince: 85000.
  • Soul Of Cinder: 100000.
Mar 7, 2021

How to get Creighton to spawn in DS3? ›

Curiously, as Creighton will only initially appear after following Sirris's quest past The Catacombs, and Sirris's quest will immediately end if the player joins and offers covenant items to Rosarias Fingers, many people that join Rosaria's Fingers when it is first made available therefore never learn of Creighton's, a ...

Where is Pate vs Creighton Dark Souls 2? ›

You need to run through another trap area and then he will move on may even give you his armor if you summoned him for Last Giant and he lived. In Brightstone after the chapel go down the first rope slide and go left and inside the building there should be Pate and Creighton fighting help who ever you want.

What does Ring of Thorns do in DS2? ›

The Ring of Thorns is a ring in Dark Souls II. Ring granted protection by Kremmel, god of Struggle. The ring´s spikes drive into the wearer´s skin, so that each blow taken fuels spite toward the perpetrator. When damage is taken, the ring retaliates and inflicts damage upon enemy.

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