BUN/Creatinine Ratio | Healthmatters.io (2024)

What is the BUN/Creatinine Ratio?

The Blood urea nitrogen (BUN): Creatinine Ratio [BUN/Creatinine Ratio] is a renal (related to kidneys) function indicator, commonly used to diagnose acute or chronic renal (kidney) disease or damage.

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine are both waste products of normal metabolism in the human body.

BUN represents the amount of nitrogen produced from the metabolism of proteins.

Creatinine is a normal waste product of muscle.

Once a person performs both a BUN and Creatinine test, doctors can use the combined results to find the BUN-to-creatinine ratio. The BUN and creatinine tests alone are excellent methods of testing liver and kidney health, but together, doctors get a much better understanding of your kidney health and can provide a more accurate diagnosis to kidney-related issues.

Most clinicians agree that creatinine is a more specific indicator of glomerular function than BUN. However, the BUN to creatinine ratio may be used as an indirect estimate of renal function.

Note:If results for BUN and Creatinine are both within the normal reference range, the BUN/Creatinine ratio will not be reported (not applicable).

What is a BUN test?

A Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) test measures the amount of nitrogen in your blood, and is used to provide doctors with information on how well your kidneys and liver are functioning. The nitrogen comes from the waste product urea, which is converted from nitrogen and produced in the liver when protein is metabolized after eating. Healthy kidneys then filter the urea and remove other waste products like urea through urination. It is normal to have some urea present in the blood since your liver is always producing it, but too much may indicate an issue with your kidneys.

What is a Creatinine test?

Creatinine is another type of molecule that is generated from muscle metabolism. Like urea, creatinine is transported through the bloodstream and to the kidneys, where it is also filtered and excreted through the urine. The rate of creatinine formation depends on the individual’s muscle mass. Because muscle mass remains fairly consistent, creatinine levels remain essentially unchanged throughout the day. When results of a creatinine test reveal excess amounts, it could signify impaired kidney function or kidney disease.

Why are we measuring the BUN/Creatinine ratio?

The BUN/Creatinine ratio blood test is used to diagnose acute or chronic renal (kidney) disease or damage. It may also be used to determine gastrointestinal bleeding or trauma. BUN (blood urea nitrogen) and creatinine are both filtered in the kidneys and excreted in urine. The two together are used to measure overall kidney function.

The BUN/Creatinine ratio provides specific clinical information about the kidney that can be used for multiple purposes. The BUN/Creatinine ratio is obtained to assess normal kidney function, help identify possible kidney diseases, to monitor the progression of kidney disease, or to monitor the effectiveness of medications in treating kidney disease.

The BUN/Creatinine ratio is useful in the differential diagnosis of acute or chronic renal disease. Reduced renal perfusion, e.g., congestive heart failure, or recent onset of urinary tract obstruction will result in an increase in BUN/Creatinine ratio. Increased urea formation also results in an increase in the ratio, e.g., gastrointestinal bleeding, trauma, etc. When there is decreased formation of urea as seen in liver disease, there is a decrease in the BUN/Creatinine ratio. In most cases of chronic renal disease the ratio remains relatively normal.

Basic on your kidneys:

You have two kidneys, each about the size of an adult fist, located on either side of the spine just below the rib cage. Although they are small, your kidneys perform many complex and vital functions that keep the rest of the body in balance.

For example, kidneys:

- Help remove waste and excess fluid

- Filter the blood, keeping some compounds while removing others

- Control the production of red blood cells

- Make vitamins that control growth

- Release hormones that help regulate blood pressure

- Help regulate blood pressure, red blood cells, and the amount of certain nutrients in the body, such as calcium and potassium.

BUN and creatinine are two metabolites steadily produced in the body.

The Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) level is a reflection of the amount of protein breakdown in the blood and it will accumulate with kidney malfunction. Creatinine is a breakdown product of muscle metabolism. It will also accumulate in the blood with kidney malfunction.

BUN is filtered in the nephrons and then reabsorbed in the blood, whereas creatinine is filtered and then secreted by the tubular cells into the tubular lumen.

Each of your kidneys is made up of about a million filtering units called nephrons. Those are the functional units of the kidney. They perform the filtering of the blood. Each nephron includes a filter, called the glomerulus, and a tubule. The nephrons work through a two-step process: the glomerulus filters your blood, and the tubule returns needed substances to your blood and removes wastes.

What is acute renal failure (ARF)?

Acute renal failure (ARF), also known as acute kidney injury (AKI), is a sudden episode of kidney failure or kidney damage that happens within a few hours or a few days. AKI causes a build-up of waste products in your blood and makes it hard for your kidneys to keep the right balance of fluid in your body. ARF can also affect other organs such as the brain, heart, and lungs. Acute kidney injury is common in patients who are in the hospital, in intensive care units, and especially in older adults.

What are the signs and symptoms of acute kidney injury?

Signs and symptoms of acute kidney injury differ depending on the cause and may include:

- Too little urine leaving the body

- Swelling in legs, ankles, and around the eyes

- Fatigue or tiredness

- Shortness of breath

- Confusion

- Nausea

- Seizures or coma in severe cases

- Chest pain or pressure

In some cases, AKI causes no symptoms and is only found through other tests done by your healthcare provider.

What are normal levels:

The ratio of BUN to creatinine is usually between 10:1 and 20:1.

A healthy individual typically has serum BUN levels higher than serum creatinine levels. A measurable increase in the serum creatinine levels in hospitalized patients is indicative of Acute renal failure (ARF).

Differentiating Acute renal failure (ARF) into 3 categories (prerenal, intrinsic renal, and postrenal failure) is of significant clinical utility.

→ BUN/Creatinine Ratio between 10 and 20 is considered a normal value or may be suggestive of a post-renal cause of ARF.

→ High BUN/Creatinine Ratio (>20) may be suggestive of a pre-renal cause of AFR.

→ Low BCR (<10) may be suggestive of an intrinsic renal cause of AFR.

What is the BUN/Creatinine ratio used for?

Looking at the BUN/Creatinine ratio can further aid in distinguishing which disease state may be causing abnormal lab values. The BUN/Creatinine ratio usually remains normal in chronic kidney disease. A BUN:creatinine ratio that is >20 suggests dehydration or another state that causes decreased renal perfusion.

A BUN:creatinine ratio >30 can suggest a GI bleed.

One may look at the BUN / Creatinine ratio to help determine the cause of renal failure. The ratio of BUN to creatinine is usually between 10:1 and 20:1. An increased ratio may be due to a condition that causes a decrease in the flow of blood to the kidneys, such as CHF (=Congestive Heart Failure) or dehydration. It may also be seen with increased protein, from BI bleed, or increased protein in the diet. The ratio may be decreased with liver disease (due to a decrease in the formation of urea) and malnutrition.

Reference Range(s):

Bun/Creatinine Ratio6-22 (calc)
Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
<1 Month4-123-17
1-11 Months2-134-14
1-3 Years3-123-14
4-19 Years7-207-20
≥20 Years7-257-25
3-27 days0.35-1.230.35-1.23
1 month-9 years0.20-0.730.20-0.73
10-12 years0.30-0.780.30-0.78
13-15 years0.40-1.050.40-1.00
16-17 years0.60-1.200.50-1.00
18-19 years0.60-1.260.50-1.00
20-49 years0.60-1.350.50-1.10
50-59 years0.70-1.330.50-1.05
60-69 years0.70-1.250.50-0.99
70-79 years0.70-1.180.60-0.93
≥80 years0.70-1.110.60-0.88

For patients >49 years of age, the upper reference limit for creatinine is approximately 13% higher for people identified as African-American.

Linked Sources:




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Sujino Y, Nakano S, Tanno J, Shiraishi Y, Goda A, Mizuno A, Nagatomo Y, Kohno T, Muramatsu T, Nishimura S, Kohsaka S, Yoshikawa T; West Tokyo Heart Failure Registry Investigators. Clinical implications of the blood urea nitrogen/creatinine ratio in heart failure and their association with haemoconcentration. ESC Heart Fail. 2019 Dec;6(6):1274-1282. doi: 10.1002/ehf2.12531. Epub 2019 Dec 9. PMID: 31814319; PMCID: PMC6989280.

Shen S, Yan X, Xu B. The blood urea nitrogen/creatinine (BUN/cre) ratio was U-shaped associated with all-cause mortality in general population. Ren Fail. 2022 Dec;44(1):184-190. doi: 10.1080/0886022X.2022.2030359. PMID: 35166184; PMCID: PMC8856064.

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BUN/Creatinine Ratio | Healthmatters.io (2024)


BUN/Creatinine Ratio | Healthmatters.io? ›

The ratio of BUN to creatinine is usually between 10:1 and 20:1. An increased ratio may be due to a condition that causes a decrease in the flow of blood to the kidneys, such as CHF (=Congestive Heart Failure) or dehydration. It may also be seen with increased protein, from BI bleed, or increased protein in the diet.

What is an alarming bun creatinine ratio? ›

Values consistently around 20:1 may be early warning signs of kidney disease. Any value above 20:1 indicates that you are dehydrated, and may also be developing kidney-related or other health issues. A BUN/creatinine ratio of 50:1 or above is dangerously high that requires immediate medical attention.

What level of BUN creatinine indicates kidney failure? ›

But a dangerously high BUN level, often starting at 50 mg/dL, indicates kidney damage that needs immediate medical attention. A patient with a BUN between 100 mg/dL and 250 mg/dL may have severe kidney dysfunction, resulting from a problem with the organ's ability to filter waste products out of the bloodstream.

Should I be concerned about a low bun creatinine ratio? ›

These indicators are essential tools that help reveal how effectively your kidneys filter waste from your bloodstream. A low BUN/creatinine ratio can signal various health conditions, from dehydration to more serious kidney issues, making it a critical value to understand.

What is a dangerously high BUN level? ›

However, a dangerously high BUN level, often starting from 50 mg/dL, indicates kidney damage that should be addressed immediately. If you have a BUN between 100 mg/dL to 250 mg/dL, it could be due to severe kidney dysfunction, specifically involving its ability to filter waste products.

What is a normal BUN level for a 70 year old? ›

General reference ranges for a normal BUN level are as follows: Adults up to 60 years of age: 6-20 mg/dL. Adults over 60 years of age: 8-23 mg/dL.

Is a bun creatinine ratio of 25 good? ›

The ideal ratio of BUN to creatinine falls between 10-to-1 and 20-to-1. Having a ratio above this range could mean you may not be getting enough blood flow to your kidneys and could have conditions such as congestive heart failure, dehydration, or gastrointestinal bleeding.

Does drinking water lower BUN levels? ›

A low BUN value may be caused by a diet very low in protein, by malnutrition, or by severe liver damage. Drinking too much liquid may cause overhydration and cause a low BUN value. Women and children may have lower BUN levels than men because of how their bodies break down protein.

What level of creatinine is alarming? ›

In general, any creatinine measurement over 1.3 is abnormally high. Low levels of creatinine (below the reference range for the laboratory) are sometimes seen in people with low muscle mass. Low creatinine levels are typically not a problem.

How do I get my BUN creatinine ratio down? ›

Here are eight ways to naturally lower your creatinine levels.
  1. Don't take supplements containing creatine. ...
  2. Reduce your protein intake. ...
  3. Eat more fiber. ...
  4. Talk with your healthcare professional about how much fluid you should drink. ...
  5. Lower your salt intake. ...
  6. Avoid overusing NSAIDs. ...
  7. Avoid smoking. ...
  8. Limit your alcohol intake.

How do you fix a low BUN and creatinine? ›

In cases of low creatinine levels due to liver disease, treatment may involve medication or lifestyle changes. These changes could include eating a more healthful diet and giving up alcohol. If someone has a muscle disease, treatment may include physical therapy, medication, or surgery to support them to remain mobile.

What is normal creatinine for age? ›

Creatinine clearance is reported as milliliters of creatinine per minute per body surface area (mL/min/BSA). The typical range for men, 19 to 75 years old, is 77 to 160 mL/min/BSA. The typical range, by age, for creatinine clearance in women is as follows: 18 to 29 years: 78 to 161 mL/min/BSA.

What is the cut off for BUN creatinine ratio? ›

The reference interval for normal BUN/creatinine serum ratio is 12 : 1 to 20 : 1. An elevated BUN:Cr due to a low or low-normal creatinine and a BUN within the reference range is unlikely to be of clinical significance.

Is a BUN of 31 bad? ›

The normal range of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is between 7 and 20 mg/dL or 2.5 and 7.1 mmol/L. There may be slight variations between labs. A decline in kidney function can cause an increase in BUN levels. There is no definite value of BUN that would diagnose kidney failure.

Is a BUN level of 5 ok? ›

In general, around 6 to 24 mg/dL (2.1 to 8.5 mmol/L ) is considered normal. But normal ranges may vary, depending on the reference range used by the lab and your age.

What is a critical BUN creatinine level? ›

A better measure is the ratio of BUN to creatinine found in your blood. Typically, the ratio of BUN to creatinine should be between 10:1 and 20:1. If it's lower or higher than that, it may mean you have a problem with your kidneys or you may not be drinking enough water.

What level of creatinine indicates kidney failure? ›

Doctors use the creatinine blood test result to calculate glomerular filtration rate (GFR), a more specific measure to indicate chronic kidney disease. Doctors consider a GFR of 60 or over to be normal, while a GFR of less than 60 may indicate kidney disease. A GFR level of 15 or less indicates kidney failure.

What is the significance of a bun creatinine ratio of more than 20? ›

A blood urea nitrogen (BUN)/creatinine ratio (BCR) >20 (0.081 in international unit) is used to distinguish pre-renal azotemia (PRA) and acute tubular necrosis (ATN). However, there is little evidence that BCR can distinguish between these two conditions and/or is clinically useful.

What is the cut off for bun creatinine ratio? ›

The reference interval for normal BUN/creatinine serum ratio is 12 : 1 to 20 : 1. An elevated BUN:Cr due to a low or low-normal creatinine and a BUN within the reference range is unlikely to be of clinical significance.

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