Anatomy of a Bank Failure: What Happens when the FDIC Pulls the Plug? (2024)

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at How Regulators Mobilize to Protect the Assets of Troubled Banks Linda McGlassonAugust 17, 2009
Anatomy of a Bank Failure: What Happens when the FDIC Pulls the Plug? (1)
Editor's Note:This is an updated version of an article that originally was published in Sept. 2008.

What happens when a bank fails?

Here is an inside look at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) - the nation's largest bank regulatory agency - and how it mobilizes and takes action when a bank fails, such as Colonial Bank., of Montgomery, Alabama, did this past weekend.

Why Banks Fail
Banks fail for many reasons: under capitalization, poor loan portfolio performance. For a bank to begin the slide into failure, it usually (not always) is placed on the FDIC's troubled bank list, which right now includes 305 banks (up from 117 at this time last year). Banks are graded on a 1 to 5 scale of safety and soundness by their regulators, and those banks that score of 4 or 5 are placed on the "troubled" list.

The number of failed banks thus far in this year (77 so far, as opposed to 25 in 2008) led to the discovery of an interesting statistic from David Barr of the FDIC's public relations department. Over the past 25 years, there have been many banks that have made the troubled bank list. Yet of those, 87 percent of them have successfully made it off the list and returned to the safe end of the banking pool.

But the other 13 percent -- those are the ones that have headed in the wrong direction, and despite regulators stepping in to help, have ended up closed, a failed bank. Barr explains what happens to a bank after it makes it onto the troubled list, at risk of failure.

Steps Before Failure
"There is a lot of pre work that goes into a bank closing that many people don't realize happens," he says. This involves many man hours on the part of the dedicated teams the FDIC has headquartered in its Dallas, TX offices.

The banks that are on the troubled list are a primary focus for their examiners. "Whenever a bank gets a poor supervisory rating, the examiners work closely with that bank to get them turned around," Barr notes. The bank is typically given a 90-day period to work out whatever made it receive a 4 or 5 rating. But during that 90-day period, the FDIC begins to collect information on the bank's assets, deposits and overall financial picture. If, by the time that the institution nears its final deadline, the bank hasn't turned itself around to receive a 3 or higher, that is when the FDIC begins a bidding process with other banks that may be interested in acquiring the troubled bank's assets, deposits or both, Barr says.

There are a number of reasons that a bank can land on the "troubled" list, and a number of solutions. "If the capital level is low, capital restoration plans are submitted. Maybe there is a bad group of loans that have to be addressed, or changing policies and procedures need to be changed, or the board needs to be more active, or that the bank needs to find competent, qualified and experienced senior loan officers to oversee the lending program," Barr says. He also notes that the majority of failed banks in the 13 percent that do fail are either sold or have a portion of their assets and deposits bought by other banks.

When Failure is an Option
For banks that are facing closure, the FDIC takes the following steps:

Depending on how quickly a bank fails, under the prompt corrective action rules, if a bank is critically undercapitalized (under 2%), then a prompt corrective action letter is sent to the bank, telling the institution it has 90 days to correct the capitalization level, or face closure.

Once that letter goes out, this is when the information collection begins. The FDIC gathers financial information on the bank, the deposits, the makeup of its loan portfolio and its asset size. "We work with the primary federal regulator (if it is not the FDIC) to obtain this information and financial conditions to begin our own analysis of the bank," Barr says.

This is done for two purposes: First, for the FDIC's analysis of the best way to market the bank, and then to measure the extent of the problems, evaluate those problems and estimate value of the bank's assets and strategy to divide them. "Once we've downloaded and analyzed the information, we will contact interested banks that may want to bid on the bank." The FDIC maintains a database of banks who have expressed interest in buying failed banks from the FDIC.

In the first communication, the FDIC gives the interested banks very general information that there is a bank that looks like it is going to fail. "We ask them within the next X number of days or weeks, would you be interested in bidding on it?" explains Barr.

Out of that wide net, the banks that show interest are then given some more information, but not the bank's name. The FDIC then gives out a bit more information such as size, and geographic location and makeup of the branches. Then if those banks contacted show interest and the field narrows, they are given a password to the FDIC's secured website, where they are allowed to see on that bank's database the information the FDIC gathered from the bank on loan portfolio makeup, assets, deposits, and analyze the information to form a bid. The bidding banks are given a deadline to submit their bids. "For example if we are going to close a bank on a Friday, we'll ask those banks that are bidding on it to submit their bids by noon on Tuesday," he notes. The banks submit bids, and the FDIC calculates them, and "the one that is the least costly to the insurance fund, that's the winning bidder," Barr says. The winning bidder is notified by the end of the day, and then the acquiring bank is included in the bank closing strategy and plans.

By Thursday afternoon before the Friday afternoon closing, FDIC meets with the acquiring bank's team in the city where the failed bank is located. "This is to discuss any concerns or questions they have about the procedures. When the bank is closed on Friday, they are there with us, and work with us side by side," Barr explains.

There are several actions that the FDIC is doing in the 90-day period leading up to the bank closing. First, all the deposits are downloaded and analyzed to determine what percentage of them could be uninsured. Assets are downloaded; loan portfolios are sifted through to determine their makeup. When a bank is closed on a Friday, the FDIC's asset team starts dividing the bank into two pieces -- one would be what's going over to the acquiring institution, the second part is what is being left in receivership. "We begin to carve out asset pools and types of assets and do a better analysis of those assets," Barr notes. The FDIC works during the bidding process to try to sell as many of those assets as possible, so it is not left holding them in receivership.

"Sometimes we see a bidder will bid on the assets and not the deposits, so there are some attractive assets out there that we may offer separately to a third party," Barr notes. What is attractive to an acquirer is based on what it is looking to add to its holdings. "For example, a failing bank could have a large pool of small consumer loans that the bidding bank doesn't want," he says. It all boils down to the assuming bank and what it is looking for. Despite what many may believe, "It's not always the difference between good loans and bad ones, but loan type."

Behind the Scenes
When the 90-day term begins, a bank is assigned to one of the core group of six teams in the Dallas office that handles bank closings. Depending on the size and complexity and makeup of the individual bank, the closure team may draw upon a wider team of resources within the FDIC. "For an average-sized [closure], the FDIC can have up to 100 people on the ground over that 48-hour period of a weekend to make sure that everything happens. This doesn't include the acquiring bank's staff either," Barr notes.

For a bank the size of more than a billion dollars, (like in the case of Colonial) the support team swells up to 200 people. "It really depends on the groundwork we do before we hit the ground on closing day, but we have laid out our plans in advance as to who will be needed at the bank," Barr says. "We don't have time to find someone on that Friday. Once that charter is pulled on Friday, we have until 8:30 on Monday to get that bank reopened.

So the entire focus of that weekend is to ensure that everything is completed and done before 8:30 a.m. on Monday morning."

The closing's core teams include a variety of FDIC staff from IT operations, lawyers, accountants, facilities, HR, and marketing. It is almost a military operation in its precision because so much has to happen within that time that a bank closes its doors on Friday until it reopens on Monday morning. Augmenting the core teams from the Dallas office are examination workforce members. "We've also been tapping our examiners lately to have an FDIC presence at every branch on the Friday at closing," Barr says. "The examiners act with the branch manager as a liaison, as well as liaise between that branch and the acquiring bank." If the acquiring bank wants to get people into branches to talk to the existing staff and get their own brands into those branches for rebranding to the acquiring bank brand, that's what the examiners help facilitate.

The majority of bank closures go smoothly, but require long hours by the FDIC team. An average IT operations team member will spend up to 18 hours a day working to make all of the IT operations shutdown, reset and turnovers happen in that 48 hour period.

Barr cites one example of long hours by IT operations team, "In the case when IndyMac's systems were coming back online, on Monday morning at 1 a.m., 2 a.m. and every hour leading up to 7 a.m., the IT staffers were up and sending out notifications on what systems were up and ready to go."

When it comes to failure, what's the measure of success?

"When a bank closing/acquisition is successful is when, come Monday morning, the customers have hardly noticed any change other than the name on the door," Barr says.

Anatomy of a Bank Failure: What Happens when the FDIC Pulls the Plug? (2024)


Anatomy of a Bank Failure: What Happens when the FDIC Pulls the Plug? ›

Historically, the FDIC pays insurance within a few days after a bank closing, usually the next business day, by either (1) providing each depositor with a new account at another insured bank in an amount equal to the insured balance of their account at the failed bank, or (2) by issuing a payment to each depositor for ...

How does the FDIC respond when banks fail? ›

If the FDIC closes a bank, the FDIC notifies customers and sends checks for the amount of the insured deposits, or it moves the deposits to another FDIC-insured bank.

Do you lose all your money when a bank collapses? ›

For the most part, if you keep your money at an institution that's FDIC-insured, your money is safe — at least up to $250,000 in accounts at the failing institution. You're guaranteed that $250,000, and if the bank is acquired, even amounts over the limit may be smoothly transferred to the new bank.

What happens to bank employees when FDIC takes over? ›

Typically, in an FDIC takeover, the employees of the failed bank are kept on to help with the transition. Their salary and benefits are paid for by the FDIC during that time.

What happens when a bank is failing? ›

What Happens When a Bank Fails? When a bank fails, it may try to borrow money from other solvent banks to pay its depositors. If the failing bank cannot pay its depositors, a bank panic might ensue, causing depositors to withdraw their money from the bank (known as a bank run).

Can I sue if my bank won't release my money? ›

You could sue them for wrongfully holding your money. However, you first need to find out why they are holding the money. In certain circ*mstances the bank can hold the money for a variety of reasons. For example, fraud protection etc.

Can banks seize your money if the economy fails? ›

Banks during recessions FAQs

Your money is safe in a bank, even during an economic decline like a recession. Up to $250,000 per depositor, per account ownership category, is protected by the FDIC or NCUA at a federally insured financial institution.

Where is the safest place to put money if banks collapse? ›

1. Federal Bonds. The U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve (Fed) would be more than happy to take your funds and issue you securities in return. A U.S. government bond still qualifies in most textbooks as a risk-free security.

What happens to your house if your bank collapses? ›

Your mortgage will likely be sold to another financial institution. If so, the new owner must communicate this change to you within 30 days of the transfer date, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

What happens to credit unions when banks collapse? ›

If the bank fails, you'll get your money back. Nearly all banks are FDIC insured. You can look for the FDIC logo at bank teller windows or on the entrance to your bank branch. Credit unions are insured by the National Credit Union Administration.

How do you get your money if a bank fails? ›

When banks fail, the most common outcome is that another bank takes over the assets and your accounts are simply transferred over. If not, the FDIC will pay you out. Funds beyond the protected amount may still be reimbursed, but the FDIC does not guarantee this.

How to withdraw cash when the bank is closed? ›

  1. The Post Office.
  2. Banking hubs.
  3. Mobile and pop-up banks.
  4. Cash machines (ATMs)
  5. Your local shop.
  6. Online banking.

Can FDIC liquidate banks? ›

The FDIC then markets the assets and liabilities of the failing bank and evaluates the bids it receives. One option that the FDIC is required to consider is a deposit payoff, where the FDIC pays the insured depositors and liquidates the assets.

Can a bank close your account and keep the money? ›

Of course, the bank must return any remaining funds in your account but may hold on to them to cover any negative balance or fees. In some cases, the bank may hold the funds if your account is flagged for suspicious activities, which is increasingly common.

What happens if FDIC runs out of money? ›

Still, the FDIC itself doesn't have unlimited money. If enough banks flounder at once, it could deplete the fund that backstops deposits. However, experts say even in that event, bank patrons shouldn't worry about losing their FDIC-insured money.

Do you get your money back if a bank collapses? ›

The FDIC insures bank accounts for up to $250,000 per depositor, per ownership category, per bank. If a bank fails, insured deposits will be moved to another FDIC-insured bank or paid out. You'll usually get a Receiver's Certificate for money that isn't covered by FDIC insurance.

How much does FDIC cover if a bank fails? ›

The FDIC adds together the balances in all Single Accounts owned by the same person at the same bank and insures the total up to $250,000.

What are the two methods the FDIC uses to handle a bank failure? ›

The FDIC Resolution and receivership process is used to value and market a failed financial institution, close the failed financial institution and to then pay insured depositors (or arrange for a healthy bank assumption).

Who gets paid first when a bank fails? ›

Insured depositors are paid first, then uninsured depositors, then general creditors, and, finally, shareholders. How are borrowers impacted by a bank failure? The FDIC either sells loans held by a failed bank to an acquiring bank or sells the loans itself.

How long does it take to get your money if a bank fails? ›

In the case of FDIC payments, the agency aims to pay out customers as soon as possible after their bank failure. That is typically around two business days. If your deposit at the closed bank was in the name of a trust or through a fiduciary, it might take longer to get your funds.

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